JCL Requirements

The JCL needed to execute the Batch Utility follows:

//            PARM=' [ CON UTILITY subsys planname sqlid userid |
                                BATCH subsys planname sqlid userid ] '

//SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=*                          Diagnostic messages 
//SYSTERM  DD SYSOUT=*                          Error and diagnostic messages
//PSDFDFLT DD DSN=your.loadlib(FOPMDFLT)        Default Site Options (optional)
//            DISP=SHR
//PSTRACE  DD SYSOUT=*                          Trace output, if Trace option activated
//PSDFASUM DD SYSOUT=*                          Summary of results of utility operations
//PSDFADIR DD SYSOUT=*                          Generated listings (DIR, COPY, RENAME, DELETE, EXPORT, 
                                                or IMPORT statement)

//PSDFCERR DD SYSOUT=*                          Error report for Convert process
//PSDFDARL DD DSN=data.ace.rl.file              Record Layout PDS or file (If required)
//            DISP=SHR
//PSDFRPRT DD SYSOUT=*                          Report listings (REPORT, ARCHIVE, SEARCH, RESTORE, 
                                                or EXTRACT statement)
//PSDFEXPT DD DSN=export.file.dsn               Exported definitions (EXPORT statement)
//                DISP=SHR
//PSDFIMPT DD DSN=import.file.dsn               Definitions data set (IMPORT statement)
//                DISP=SHR
//PSDFEXTR DD DSN=extract.file.name             Extract or Archive file for process
//PSDFIDX  DD DSN=index.file.name               Archive Index file for process
//PSDFASUB DD DSN=subset.file.name              Subset file for process
//PSDFADUP DD DSN=duplicate.archive.file.name   Duplicate Archive file for process
//PSDFIDX2 DD DSN=dup.index.file.name           Duplicate Archive Index file for process
//PSDFCTRL DD DSN=control.file.name             Control File for process
//PSDFCNVT DD DSN=convert.file.name             Results file from Convert process
//PSDFCOMP DD DSN=compare.file.name             Results file from Compare process
//         DD *                                 Batch Utility control statements
//SYSIN  control statements
//PSDFOVRD DD *                                 File to provide batch overrides (optional)
         batch overrides

A sample of this JCL is provided in the install library as member FOPJOBUT.

To use a custom module for default site options, replace member name FOPMDFLT in the PSDFDFLT DD statement with the member name of the custom site options module.

  • If you will be using a load or unload program, you must include the appropriate DD statements for that program. Refer to the program's documentation for the required DD statements.
  • You may optionally supply a PSDFOVRD DD file, containing batch overrides for selected keywords. These overrides supersede the values specified in the equivalent Batch Utility keywords.

Configuring batch jobs for use with Optim data privacy providers

When building batch jobs through the Optim for z/OS interface that invoke the Optim data privacy providers, Optim automatically adds required parameters to the produced JCL. However, if you are manually creating an Optim for z/OS batch job that invokes the Optim data privacy providers, you must make the following modification to your JCL.

  1. Verify you have performed the licensing and environment variable file steps. Refer to the Customization Guide section on installing the data privacy providers.
  2. When you run a program directly under TSO that depends on the UNIX System Services environment and settings, you must:
    • specify to the Language Environment® the location of the UNIX System Services environment variables that the data privacy providers require
    • tell the Language Environment to enable POSIX to allow it to access the UNIX System Services environment

The following is an example of a batch job (JOB1) and program (IOQXXXX) that points to the necessary environment variables through the ENVAR parameter. The _CEE_ENVFILE_S parameter identifies FOPENV as the DD statement that specifies the file that contains the actual environment setting statements, and it is specified with the CEEOPTS DD.


Change OPTIM.ODPP.ENV(V1130) to your environment variable file.

Converting Pre-Release 5.5 Batch Jobs

To convert pre-Release 5.5 batch jobs to the Batch Utility format, execute the Batch Utility, supplying one or more JCL_REFORMAT statements in the SYSIN data set. The JCL_REFORMAT statement converts batch jobs generated prior to Release 5.5 to the Batch Utility format. For more detailed information on converting existing batch jobs, see Executing Batch Jobs Saved before Release 5.5 in the Customization Guide.