Configuring Minio during IBM Cloud Private installation

Configure Minio when you install your IBM® Cloud Private cluster.

Complete these steps to configure Minio:

  1. Enable Minio storage. Set storage-minio: enabled under the management services list in the /<installation_directory>/cluster/config.yaml file.

     istio: disabled
     vulnerability-advisor: disabled
     storage-glusterfs: disabled
     storage-minio: enabled
  2. Add the following piece of code to the config.yaml file:

  mode: standalone
  accessKey: "admin"
  secretKey: "admin1234"
  minioAccessSecret: "minio-secret"
  configPath: "/minio/.minio/"
  mountPath: "/export"
  replica: 4
    enabled: false
    useDynamicProvisioning: false
    storageClass: standard
    accessMode: ReadWriteOnce
    size: 10Gi
    type: ClusterIP
    loadBalancerIP: None
    port: 9000
    nodePort: 31311
    prometheusEnable: false
    prometheusPath: '/minio/prometheus/metrics'
    prometheusPort: '9000'
    enabled: false
    annotations: {}
    path: /
    hosts: ""
    tls: []
    enabled: false
    type: "cert-manager-generated"
    minioTlsSecret: ""
      name: "icp-ca-issuer"
      kind: "ClusterIssuer"
    clusterDomain: "cluster.local"
  nodeSelector: ""
  tolerations: ""

Following are the descriptions of the parameters that are required for a simple configuration. For an advanced configuration, see the complete list of available parameters: Minio Opens in a new tab.

Configuration of Minio is complete. Proceed with the IBM Cloud Private installation.