Managing Service Catalog resources

You can manage the Service Catalog from the command line interface (CLI) and the management console. The Service Catalog component adds five Kubernetes resources that you can use.

Service Catalog resource details

Resource Resource details
  • ClusterServiceBroker
  • ServiceBroker
Manages a set of one or more services
  • ClusterServiceClass
  • ServiceClass
Describes the service and associated plans that the broker offers for each service
  • ClusterServicePlan
  • ServicePlan
Describes the plans that are offered for the service
  • ServiceInstance
Creates an instance of a managed service that is available for use by one or more in-cluster applications
  • ServiceBinding
ServiceBinding refers to and uses a ServiceInstance. It also creates a Kubernetes secret that contains the connection details and credentials for the service that is represented by the ServiceInstance

Managing the Service Catalog resources with command line interface

You can use the eight resources from the kubectl command line interface. The following table describes the scope and usage of the resources:

Table 1. Kubernetes resources for the service catalog
Kubernetes Resource Scope Example usage
ClusterServiceBrokers cluster kubectl get clusterservicebrokers
ClusterServiceClasses cluster kubectl get clusterserviceclasses
ClusterServicePlans cluster kubectl get clusterserviceplans
ServiceBrokers namespace kubectl get servicebrokers -n <namespace>
ServiceClasses namespace kubectl get serviceclasses -n <namespace>
ServicePlans namespace kubectl get serviceplans -n <namespace>
ServiceInstances namespace kubectl get serviceinstances -n <namespace>
ServiceBindings namespace kubectl get servicebindings -n <namespace>

You can extend the capabilities of your IBM Cloud Private cluster by integrating with services that are deployed in your IBM Cloud Private cluster or external cluster. See Creating a service broker resource from the command line interface for more details.

Managing the Service Catalog resources from the IBM Cloud Private management console

You can load and deploy brokers as Helm charts from the IBM Cloud Private Catalog from the management console. The charts include the registration and authorized secret creation template. Helm Charts can include the templates for deployment of a broker, if it needs to be deployed inside a cluster.

Broker services that are available for deployment are listed in the Catalog view along with Helm charts. Services can be identified with the service label.

After a service broker is registered with your operating system, you can select the services and internal plans of each service in the Catalog.

IBM Cloud Private supports the service details page. The service details page contains an overview of the service and lists the available plans, the process of deployment and creating an instance of the service, and the option of service binding.

Note: Under role-based access control (RBAC), only the cluster administrator has permission to deploy and register broker charts and get all ClusterServiceClasses and ClusterServicePlans. The ClusterServiceClasses and ClusterServicePlans resources are assigned to the team.

See Creating a service broker resource from the management console for more details.