Deploying Helm charts in the Catalog

The Catalog displays the Helm charts that are available to deploy.

Required user type or access level: Cluster administrator, team administrator, or operator

Note: See the chart's readme file or documentation to determine the minimal role that is required to install the chart.

  1. Synchronize your Helm repositories, if you have not already done it. See Managing Helm repositories for the procedure.
  2. Click Catalog.
  3. Select the Helm Chart that you want to deploy.

    A readme file that includes information about installing, uninstalling, and configuring is provided for each Helm Chart.

  4. If a list of Helm charts is not displayed in the Catalog, verify that you specified the Helm repository and namespace for your team by completing the following steps:

    1. From the navigation menu, select Manage > Identity and Access > Teams.
    2. Select the team that you want to update.
    3. Select Resources and verify that there are a Helm repository and a namespace listed.
    4. If you need to add the resources, select Manage resources.
    5. Select the check box for the Helm repository and namespace that you want to add to the team.
    6. Select Save to save your changes.
    7. Complete the procedure again, starting with step 1.
  5. Click Configure.

  6. On the Configuration page, name your release. The name can consist of only lowercase alphanumeric characters or dash characters (-) and must start and end with an alphanumeric character.
  7. Select the namespace for the chart deployment, which populates the pod security policies that are associated with the namespace in the Target namespace policies field in the Pod security section. This provides guidance about which namespace to select, and filters the policies to the one that matches the pod security policy that is defined by the chart. Select a namespace based on the pod security requirement of the chart. Warning messages are shown if you select a namespace that does not have one of the compatible policies. For example, the system is running under restricted mode, and you are installing an unrestricted policy. Note: When you deploy a chart to a managed cluster, the list of namespaces for you to select from is not limited to the namespaces that you have permission to access. All of the possible namespaces are displayed. If you select a namespace that you do not have access to, the deployment of the chart fails and the pod does not start. When you deploy a chart to a single local cluster, the list of namespaces is filtered to display the namespaces that you can access.
  8. Select the names of the clusters where you want to deploy the chart. You can use the search function to find a cluster name in a long list of clusters.
  9. Verify the required pod security policy for the chart in the Pod security section. If the pod security policy name is defined by the chart in the IBM Certified Container specification, the pod security policy name details are shown. If the pod security policy name is not defined, the required details for selecting a namespace with the least restrictive pod security policy is displayed. A link to additional details about the Pod Security Policies is provided for more information.
  10. (Optional) Customize fields to your preference.
  11. Confirm that you read and agree to the license agreement.
  12. Click Install to deploy your Helm chart and create a release. A release is an instance of a chart that runs in a Kubernetes cluster.