Extending Helm chart parameters with metadata

When a Helm chart is deployed in the IBM® Cloud Private web console, a Parameters section is displayed in the Configuration tab. The Configuration tab displays all of the parameters that are declared in the values.yaml file that is packaged in the chart.tgz file based on type inference. Chart developers can optionally package an additional values-metadata.yaml file in the chart.tgz file which is used by the IBM® Cloud Private web console to enhance the deployment experience.

The values.yaml file

Helm charts must include a values.yaml file, which declares the parameters for the chart. The format of this file does not allow for the parameters to be formally described.

The values-metadata.yaml file

Chart developers can optionally package an additional values-metadata.yaml file in the chart.tgz file which is used by the IBM® Cloud Private web console to enhance the presentation of the parameters during deployment. For example, instead of a generic text box for a string parameter, the metadata file could indicate the parameter is limited to a set of strings. This set of strings can be presented as a drop down selection list to the user.

The metadata defined in the values-metadata.yaml file extends the information that is in the values.yaml file. The structure of the values-metadata.yaml must be the same as that of the values.yaml file, except that each property is identified as __metadata.

When the values-metadata.yaml file or a specific parameter is missing, the IBM® Cloud Private web console displays all of the default parameters that are declared in the values.yaml file based on type inference.

Values-metadata.yaml specifications

You can define the metadata for each parameter in the values-metadata.yaml file by beginning it with the __metadata key. Each parameter can include one or more of the following attributes:

Property Data type Possible Values Default value Description Applicable to grouping ___metadata
description String String (146 characters, or less) Description of the parameter. This should appear in a tooltip or, if there is a group description, as a subheader. true
hidden Boolean true, false false If hidden = true, the element is hidden (does the same thing as immutable, but the form field is never exposed in the UI). false
immutable Boolean true, false false If immutable = true, the user is not allowed to modify the parameter (field = disabled). false
label String Title of the parameter. If label is not specified, then key from the values.yaml file is used. true
multiline Boolean true, false false If type = string, display a text area field. false
options Array of Objects, where each object has the shape label: any, value: any. Describes a parameter that would transform into a dropdown. false
required Boolean true, false false Describes if the parameter is required. If so, a * is displayed beside name in the web console. false
type String string, boolean, number, password Type of the parameter (Note: Array and object are also type: string to resolve historical backwards-compatibility issues) false
validation String (regex) any valid Javascript regex Opens in a new tab. Regular expression to validate parameter value. false

Values-metadata.yaml structure example

The following content shows an example of how to create your own metadata parameters in the values-metadata.yaml file:

    label: Demonstration
    description: I am an h2
      label: String field
      type: string
      required: true
      label: Number field (with validation)
      type: number
      required: true
      label: Checkbox field
      type: boolean
      required: true
      label: Select field
      type: string
      required: true
      - label: myOpt1
        value: myNotSelectedValue
      - label: myOpt2
        value: mySelectedValue
      label: Multiline field
      type: string
      multiline: true
      required: true
      label: Immutable field
      type: string
      required: true
      immutable: true
    __metadata: ### arrayField: "[]" or [] must be set in values.yaml (see below for details).
      label: Array field
      type: string   ### do to backwards-compat bug, type must be string
      description: I am an array.
      required: true
  objectField: ### objectField: "{}" or {} must be set in values.yaml (see below for details)
      label: Object field (new)
      type: string   ### do to backwards-compat bug, type must be string
      description: I am an object.
      required: true

Parameter characteristics


  label: Datacenter
  description: Datacenter description
  type: string
  immutable: false
  required: true
  label: Datacenter
  description: Datacenter description
  type: string
  immutable: false
  required: false
  label: Datacenter
  description: Datacenter description
  type: number
  immutable: false
  required: false
  label: Datacenter
  description: Datacenter description
  type: password
  required: true
  label: Datacenter
  description: Datacenter description
  type: string
  required: false
   label: foo
   value: 123
   label: bar
   value: bar
  label: Datacenter
  description: Datacenter description
  type: boolean
  required: true
  label: loggingOptions
  description: loggingOptions
  type: string
  multiline: true
  label: loggingOptions
  description: loggingOptions
  type: string
  immutable: true
  label: loggingOptions
  description: loggingOptions
  type: string
  hidden: true
/* values.yaml */
loggingOptions: []

// or

loggingOptions: "[]"

// ...to set a default for the field:

  - 1
  - 2
  - 3

/* values-metadata.yaml */
  label: loggingOptions
  description: loggingOptions
  type: string  ### because of a backwards compatibility bug, the type *must* be string.
/* values.yaml */
loggingOptions: "{}"

// or

loggingOptions: {}

// (there is currently no way to set a default)

/* values-metadata.yaml */
  label: loggingOptions
  description: loggingOptions
  type: string  ### because of a backwards compatibility bug, the type *must* be string.

User example

The following example shows how you can use the previous example to display your content:

      label: I am a label
      description: I am a custom description
      type: number
      immutable: false
      required: false
      label: I am a label
      description: I am a custom description
      type: number
      required: false
      label: I am a label
      type: number
      required: false
      label: I am a label
      description: I am a custom description
      type: number
      required: false