Managing inventory

In the Manage Inventory Work Center, you manage your item catalog, inventory reservations, and inventory in storerooms. These activities help you maintain adequate item balances and manage carrying costs so that your teams have the items that they need to maintain your assets.

In several areas of the Work Center, you can reduce manual data entry effort by scanning bar codes. For example, you can scan a code to select an existing bin or lot when you issue or transfer items.

The following pages help you to manage your inventory:
View and manage reservations for storeroom inventory. Reservations are sometimes made automatically when materials are specified on approved work orders or tasks. You can issue or transfer reserved items individually or in batches.
When items are stocked in storerooms as inventory, they can be managed and made available for asset maintenance. You can manage details about balances, costs, bins and lots, and reordering. Issue and transfer items. Perform cycle counts and reconcile balances.
All Items
Add or import items and add details about items before they are added to storerooms. Details can include issue and order units, status, lot and bin information, indicator for rotating items, default vendor, commodity information, and attachments. Items automatically receive an identifier that can be edited.

Some activities are completed by an administrator in other applications. These activities include setting up security, financial processes, detailed item master information, detailed inventory information, and more complex inventory usage. Administrators can refer to the related links for more help.