Conduct an Inspection tool

In the Conduct an Inspection tool, you conduct inspections that have been defined in the Manage Inspection Forms tool. You can also review the results of completed inspections, and create unscheduled inspections as necessary.

As an inspector, you complete inspections and record inspection results. You can also create an unscheduled inspection form or view inspection results from the Assets, Locations, and Work Order Tracking applications. Select Go To > Conduct an Inspection in the Inspection Result field or by using the Create > Unscheduled Inspection action in the Assets and Locations applications. You can conduct bulk unscheduled inspections on assets or locations.

When an inspection form is activated, use the form to inspect an asset or location. Filter your inspections by pending, in progress, and completed status. During an inspection, filter the list of questions on the form to show the required or incomplete questions. Answers to each question are automatically saved. After you answer all required questions, review your responses in the Inspections Summary window and complete the inspection.