Running Selenium or Appium tests

You can run Selenium or Appium tests that you have imported into a Test Workbench project. You can also run a compound test to which you have added a Selenium or Appium test.

About this task

You can run individual Selenium or Appium tests that you have imported into a Test Workbench project from the Test Navigator.

It is not possible to run Selenium or Appium tests within a compound test individually from the Compound Test editor. To run such a Selenium or Appium test individually, run it from the project into which the test has been imported.


  1. Do one of the following:
    • To run a Selenium or Appium test that you have imported into a Test Workbench project, select the test from the External Tests project folder in the Logical View of the Test Navigator.
    • To run an individual Selenium or Appium test that you have added to a compound test, select the Selenium test from the External Tests folder of the project into which the test has been imported.
  2. Click the Run As icon on the toolbar. The test runs. To run a launch configuration option, click the arrow beside the Run As icon and select Run Configuration. Select the desired configuration option and run the test.


The test runs and the run progress is shown in the Console view. When the test run is completed, the test log is displayed.

For the tests executed in a Perfecto environment, the Perfecto Report window opens automatically onto the Overview page where you can see the status of the compound test while it is running. When the test is completed, you need to click Perfecto Reports in the Overview page to see the links to the Perfecto reports.
