Plug-ins for Eclipse and Rational Application Developer

Plug-ins provide access to Management Console features from within Eclipse and Rational® Application Developer IDEs.

The following plug-ins are available for the Eclipse and Rational Application Developer environments:


With the Frequency plug-in, a developer can complete these tasks:

  • Access one or more Management Consoles to view projects
  • Launch jobs
  • View job status
  • View build logs of running and completed jobs

The Reflector plug-in run jobs using files in a local environment. These jobs are commonly run to test new code before checking it into source control for other developers or production builds to use.

Eclipse plug-in users have the option to override values for project environment variables. When you start a Build Forge project, the Job Settings pop-up is displayed. Changes to environment variables apply to the job only. Default variable values for the project are not changed.

Using the Plug-ins in Eclipse or Rational Application Developer

After you install the plug-ins, you can activate them in the following ways:
  • To access Management Consoles to launch jobs and view project logs, use the Frequency plug-in. Within your IDE, select Window > Open Perspective > Other. Your IDE displays a dialog box with a list of perspective types; select the Build Forge perspective. The system displays the Console Explorer, Build Info, and Build Log windows. Right-click the Console Explorer and select New Console to configure a connection to a Management Console. For more information about using Frequency, see the online help provided with the plug-in.
    Note: If you need to configure access to an LDAP/Active Directory domain, make sure you use the Build Forge system name for the LDAP domain object, not the actual name of the domain.
  • To run test builds, use the Reflector plug-in. Within your IDE, configure Reflector by selecting your project and right-clicking. Select Properties from the pop-up menu. In the Properties dialog's list of properties options, select Build Forge Project Artifacts. Configure the dialog with the Build Forge project you want your project to work with, and select files to be uploaded to the system. For more information, see the online help provided with the plug-in.
    Note: The Reflector plug-in requires the Frequency plug-in.