Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram SIGnal SHUTdown Privilege Class A or CPrivilege Class G
Privilege Class A or C
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramUSER 1userid*ALL2WITHINintervalBYtime
Privilege Class G
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram2WITHINintervalBYtime
  • 1 If SIGNAL SHUTDOWN is executed with the AT command, the userid operand is required.
  • 2 The default interval is the system default shutdown signal timeout interval, if that value is greater than 0. If the system default value is 0, there is no default interval for this command, and the WITHIN or BY operand is required.


Privilege Class: A, C, G


Use SIGNAL to send a signal to a user or to all users who are enabled to receive signals.

A class A or C user can send a signal to a specific user or to all users who are enabled to receive signals, and log the users off after they have processed the signal.

A class G user can send a signal to the user's own virtual machine, if the virtual machine is enabled for signals.


indicates that a termination signal is to be sent.
identifies the user to be signaled. Use the keyword USER when you specify a user ID of "all".
indicates that all users who are enabled to receive termination signals should be signaled.
WITHIN interval
sends the user a shutdown signal that times out when the specified interval elapses. The interval specified is a number of seconds in the range 1 - 32767.
BY time
sends the user a shutdown signal that times out when the designated time is reached. The time can be specified as hh:mm or hh:mm:ss. The equivalent interval in seconds must be in the range 1 - 32767 seconds.

Usage Notes

  1. A user is enabled for signals only when a guest operating system is running in the virtual machine and has enabled to receive these signals.
  2. When the signal times out or the user machine indicates that it has terminated operation, whichever occurs first, the virtual machine is logged off if it has been disconnected.
  3. If the WITHIN or BY operand is not specified, and the system default shutdown signal timeout interval is set to a value greater than 0 (by the SET SIGNAL SHUTDOWNTIME system configuration statement or command), that value is used as the signal timeout interval. If the system default value is 0, you must specify an interval on the SIGNAL command. For additional information about this behavior, see SET SIGNAL.
  4. A user might have issued the SET SHUTSIGNAL OFF command to temporarily disable for receiving shutdown signals. The QUERY SIGNALS command can be used to display the signal status of a specified user or all users.
  5. When the SIGNAL SHUTDOWN * command or the class G SIGNAL SHUTDOWN command is issued, no message is sent to the primary system operator. When a SIGNAL SHUTDOWN is initiated successfully by a class A or C user with the SIGNAL SHUTDOWN ALL command or the SIGNAL SHUTDOWN user command, this message is sent to the primary system operator:
    HCP2118I SIGNAL SHUTDOWN {ALL | user} issued at yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss by userid


  • HCP002E Invalid operand - operand
  • HCP003E Invalid option - command contains extra option(s) starting with option
  • HCP007E Invalid userid - userid
  • HCP013E Conflicting option - option
  • HCP045E userid not logged on
  • HCP2110E Virtual machine is not enabled for signals
  • HCP2110E User userid is not enabled for signals
  • HCP2111E Virtual machine has not responded to a previous signal
  • HCP2111E User userid has not responded to a previous signal
  • HCP2112I Signal timeout interval has expired
  • HCP2112I User userid signal timeout interval has expired
  • HCP2113I User userid has reported successful termination
  • HCP2118I SIGNAL SHUTDOWN {ALL | user} issued at yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss by userid
  • HCP6704E Missing token at end of line
  • HCP6706E Invalid string - string
  • HCP6706E Invalid time - time