This command is mandatory and must be the last command entered during the IPL procedure. It is used to allocate space within the SVA into which the user can later load his phases.

The values specified in the SVA command are added to the system SVA space requirements, which depend on the supervisor being used.

All operands are optional. If the operands are not entered during IPL, there will be no space reserved in the SDL and SVA for user phases. However, an SVA of sufficient size to contain the required set of system phases and the default system GETVIS area will be created.

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram SVA SDL= n1,PSIZE=size1(size1,size2),GETVIS=size1(size1,size2)
  • 1 Only use , to separate multiple parameters. Do not insert a comma between SVA and the first parameter. For example, if the first parameter you define is GETVIS the syntax is as follows: SVA GETVIS=size1.


Specifies the decimal number of entries in the system directory list to be reserved for user phases and for the SVA-eligible phases of z/VSE components, which are not loaded automatically at IPL. Do not specify entries for the phases loaded automatically during IPL, as this is done by IPL. This applies both for SVA-24 or SVA-31 phases.

Because of rounding, more SDL entries can be reserved than specified. A message displays the number of SDL entries actually available to you.

The maximum number of SDL entries reserved by the system is 32765. If your SDL=n specification plus the number of SDL entries for the automatically loaded phases exceeds 32765, a warning message is issued displaying the number of SDL entries actually available to you.

The SDL is allocated in the SVA-24. Therefore do not specify a much larger number of SDL entries than actually needed in order to avoid wasting shared space below 16 MB. Approximately 56 SDL entries fit in a 4 KB block of storage.

Note that at IPL time only phases from IJSYSRS.SYSLIB and those generated with the SVA or SVAPFIX operand in the linkage editor PHASE statement can be loaded into the SVA.

PSIZE=size1 | ([size1],size2)
Specifies the size of the area within the SVA which is reserved for user phases and for the SVA-eligible phases of z/VSE components, which are not loaded automatically at IPL. Do not specify space for the phases loaded automatically into the SVA during IPL, as IPL will reserve the necessary space. The specified size should be large enough for the user phases and for a maintenance area, which is required when a phase with a copy in the SVA is replaced.

size1 can be coded either as nK or mM and specifies the user space required in the 24-bit addressability SVA.

size2 can be coded either as xK or yM and specifies the user space required in the 31-bit addressability SVA.

The 24-bit part of the SVA is allocated adjacent to the supervisor, the 31-bit part, if it exists, is at the high end of the address space. For details of the storage layout, refer to Understanding and Using z/VSE System Functions.
  • For a 24-bit SVA the size can be specified either in n KB or m MB.
  • For a 31-bit SVA the size can be specified either in x KB or y MB.
GETVIS=size1 | ([size1],size2)
Indicates the size of an additional, user system GETVIS area, which you can specify beyond the minimum size allocated by the system. The system automatically reserves GETVIS space for its own requirements.

The size must be specified in the same way as for the PSIZE operand. See also Storage Allocation Rules.