DOM (Delete Operator Message) Macro

The DOM macro can be used to delete a console message, if the condition that caused the message to be issued does not exist any more (for example, a device became ready).

The message being deleted might never appear on any console. If it did appear, any highlighting or hold state is removed as a result of DOM.

The only effect of the DOM macro is to remove the message from the 'hold' state (reply or action pending) and to reset its intensity attribute from 'high' to 'normal', as applicable. The message is still routed and logged as if no DOM macro had been issued.

DOM for a message written via WTO can be issued by a different task than the one that issued the original message identified by the message ID. In particular, it can be issued by a console application, rather than by the application that originated the message, when the message is being deleted as a result of an operator request.

DOM for a message written with WTOR can only be issued by the task that issued the original message; otherwise it is ignored.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramname DOM MSG=address( r1)

Requirements for the caller

24 or 31
ASC Mode:


MSG=address | (r1)
Specifies the address of a 4-byte area containing the ID of the message to be deleted. Registers 1 to 12 can be used for register notation. The message ID was returned by the WTO or WTOR macro used to issue the message.

Return Codes in Register 15

Successful completion.

Cancel Codes

One or more input parameters are invalid or not supported by z/VSE.
One or more of the specified addresses are invalid.
Mode violation (for example, caller is in AR-mode).