Outbound WebSocket SSL configuration

Learn about the different configuration selections that are available for outbound, secure WebSocket communication.

If you do not use a Programmatic selection for SSL Configuration, and no matching dynamic outbound HTTP SSL configurations are found, Scope selection becomes the default SSL configuration used for outbound WebSocket connections. The Outbound WebSocket SSL configuration feature detects any dynamic SSL configuration changes. New outbound WebSocket connections use the updated configuration data, while existing connections use the previous data.

Programmatic selection
You can set an SSL configuration on the running thread before an outbound connection. Directly select an SSL Configuration alias, or specify ssl properties for the outbound connection. For more information see, Programmatically specifying an outbound SSL configuration using JSSEHelper API.
Dynamic selection
You can associate an SSL configuration dynamically with a specific target host, port, or outbound protocol by using a predefined selection criteria. Outbound WebSocket calls use HTTP for the endpoint name. For more information see, Dynamic outbound selection of Secure Sockets Layer configurations.
Scope selection
You can associate an SSL configuration and its certificate alias, which is located in the keystore associated with that SSL configuration, with a WebSphere Application Server management scope. Outbound WebSocket uses the HTTP protocol. For more information see, Central management of SSL configurations.