Trust managers settings

This page enables you to view and set definitions for trust manager implementation settings. A trust manager is a class that gets invoked during a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) handshake to make trust decisions about the remote end point. A default trust manager is used to validate the signature and expiration of the certificate. Custom trust managers can be plugged in to perform an extended certificate and hostname check.

To view this administrative console page, click Security > SSL certificate and key management > Manage endpoint security configurations > {Inbound | Outbound} > ssl_configuration . Under Related items click Trust managers > New .


Specifies the name of the trust manager.

Information Value
Data type: Text
Default: ibmX509TrustManager

Management scope

Specifies the scope where this Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) configuration is visible. For example, if you choose a specific node, then the configuration is only visible on that node and any servers that are part of that node.

This field is not editable and provides information only.


Specifies that the trust manager selection is available from a Java™ provider that is installed in the file. This provider might be shipped by the Java Secure Sockets Extension (JSSE) or might be a custom provider that implements the interface.

Information Value
Default: Enabled


Specifies the provider name that has an implementation of the interface. This provider is typically set to IBMJSSE2.

Enabled when Standard is selected.
Information Value
Default IBMJCE


Specifies the algorithm name of the trust manager implemented by the selected provider.

Enabled when Standard is selected.
Information Value
Default ibmX509 or IbmPKIX
Range ibmX509, IbmPKIX


Specifies that the trust manager selection is based on a custom implementation class that implements the interface and optionally the interface to obtain additional connection information that is not otherwise available.

Information Value
Default: Disabled

Class name

Specifies a class that implements the interface. Optionally, the class can implement the interface to get extended information about the connection. The class can use the information to verify the host name and so on.

Enabled when Custom is selected.
Information Value
Data type: Text