[AIX Solaris HP-UX Linux Windows][z/OS]


This log file describes the transaction class module instance cache.


This file is located in the log_root/visualization directory by default. You can configure the location of the visualization data service log files.

Usage notes

  • tcmodname: Transaction class module instance name.
  • gwid: Gateway ID.
  • j2eemodname: Java™ EE module name.
  • dtname: Deployment target name.
  • scname: Service policy name.
  • appname: Application name.
  • tcname: Transaction class name.
  • server: Server name.
  • node: Node name.
  • nodegroup: Node group name cell: cell name.
  • proxy: Name of the proxy or on demand router (ODR) hosting the ARFM gateway that submitted the statistics. Applicable if the protocol is HTTP or SIP.
  • proxycell: The cell in which the proxy or ODR resides.
  • proxynode: The node in which the proxy or ODR resides.
  • proxyserver: Name of the server hosting the ARFM gateway that submits the statistics. Applicable if the protocol is JMS or IIOP.
  • protocol: The protocol family of the requests that these statistics are for; that is, HTTP, IIOP, JMS, SIP.
  • arrivals: No meaningful value.
  • respOutTime: The sum in milliseconds, over the requests that completed during the reported interval due to service timeout, of the request's response time. Divide by serviced to compute average response time. Calculate the sum of the service time and queue time. The metric, however, does not include any time spent before the request reaches the ARFM gateway queues.
  • serviceOutTime: The sum in milliseconds, over the requests that completed during the reported interval due to service timeout, of the request's service time. Divide by serviced to compute average service time.
  • numTimedOut: The number of requests that completed, during the reported interval, due to service timeout.
  • numErrored: The number of requests that completed, during the reported interval, with an error indicator.
  • firstErrorTime: The time of the first error response, if any, otherwise 0.
  • lastErrorTime: The time of the last error response, if any, otherwise 0.
  • lastTimeoutTime: The time of the last timeout response, if any, otherwise 0.
  • currentLen: No meaningful value.
  • lengthInt: No meaningful value.
  • executingInt: Integral over each millisecond in the reported interval, of the number of requests that were executing at the start of the interval.
  • execution: Concurrency integral, in units of milliseconds * requests.
  • departs: Number of requests dispatched to server.
  • dropped: No meaningful value.
  • waittm: Total wait time in queue of all requests in interval.
  • resptm: Total response time for all requests in interval.
  • servicetm: Total service time for all requests in interval serviced: number of requests serviced.
  • begintm: Start time of interval.
  • endtm: End time of interval.
  • qlen: Total queue length over in the interval.
  • abvgoal: Number of requests that both returned during the reported interval had a response time higher than their service class threshold.
  • workFactors: The amount of work in MCycles/sec that each request is estimated to consume after the request is dispatched from the ARFM gateway.
  • dlgRtmRefusals: Specifies the number of dialog retransmissions that are refused admission to a queue.
  • dlgRtmAdmissions: Specifies the number of dialog retransmissions that are admitted to a queue.
  • dlg1stRefusals: Specifies the number of dialog-initiating messages that are not retransmissions, which are refused admission to a queue.
  • dlg1stAdmissions: Specifies the number of dialog-initiating messages that are not retransmissions, which are admitted to a queue.