ZD - Default device control statements (SLU2 / 3270)

This reference topic describes how to add, modify, or delete the default SLU2 / 3270 device record.

The following keyword parameters can be specified:

This represents the automatic signoff time. The numeric value must be 0, or within the range of 10 - 1440.
This represents the automatic logoff time. The numeric value must be 0, or 10 - 1440.
Specify one of the following keyword options:
When the user ID attempting /SIGN ON matches the Node name, IMS ETO Support sets the bypass the security flag in DFSSGNX0. The /SIGN ON completes without RACF® authentication.
No special message handling is done for the /SIGN ON command.
Specifies how IMS manages conversational status.
Specifies that if SRMDEF global/local is set, conversational status is recoverable.
Specifies that conversational status is not recoverable.
If no option is specified, conversational recovery is managed based on the:
  • Setting from the IMS ETO Support global options
  • Setting in the DFSDCxxx PROCLIB member
  • IMS system default
Represents the device/model of the terminal. This should be the name of a statically SYSGENed terminal. IMS ETO Support uses the definition of this terminal to obtain the device type (MODEL=2) or the screen size (that is, for 3270-Ann devices).
Specify one of the following options for processing the DFS3649 signon panel:
  • DFS3649=IMS (for the IMS default panel)
  • DFS3649=DFS2002 (to get message DFS2002)
  • DFS3649=ETOS (to get IMS ETO Support provided signon panel)

    If DFS3649=ETOS is specified, you can also use the PASSSIZE= parameter to specify whether to use the IMS ETO Support password signon or the passphrase signon.

  • DFS3649=DFSGMSG1 (for user DFSGMSG1 greetings exit)
  • DFS3649=MOD (for user-supplied MFS mod name)

    If DFS3649=MOD is specified, you must also specify MOD3649=<modname>.

Specify the option for processing the DFS3650 session status panel:
  • DFS3650=IMS (for the IMS default panel)
  • DFS3650=DFS058 (to get message DFS058I)
  • DFS3650=BLANK (to get a cleared panel)
  • DFS3650=DFSGMSG1 (for user DFSGMSG1 greetings exit)
  • DFS3650=MOD (for user-supplied MFS mod name)

    If DFS3650=MOD is specified, you must also specify MOD3650=<modname>.

  • DFS3650=DFS2002 (to get message DFS2002)
  • DFS3650=TRX (to input a transaction)

    If DFS3650=TRX is specified, you must also specify TRX3650=<trxname>.

Specifies how IMS manages Fast Past status and message disposition.
Specifies that if SRMDEF global/local is set, Fast Path status and messages are to be recoverable.
Specifies that Fast Path status and messages are not recoverable.
If no option is specified, Fast Path status and message recovery is managed based on the:
  • Setting from the IMS ETO Support global options
  • Setting in the DFSDCxxx PROCLIB member
  • IMS system default
Specify one of these options:
  • LOGON=ETOS (to use IMS ETO Support process)
  • LOGON=DFSLGNX1 (to use DFSLGNX1 user exit)
  • LOGON=AUTO (to use IMS ETO Support auto signon feature)
Specify the 1- to 8-character alphanumeric MFS mod name. This parameter is valid only if DFS3649=MOD is also specified.
Specify the 1- to 8-character alphanumeric MFS mod name. This parameter is valid only if DFS3650=MOD is also specified.
Represents the messages that are discarded by IMS for the specified terminal. The options are:
You can specify one of the following options if DFS3649=ETOS is also specified.
  • PASSSIZE=P (to use IMS ETO Support passphrase signon panel)
  • PASSSIZE=W (to use IMS ETO Support password signon panel)
  • PASSSIZE= (to specify that the signon panel is to be determined by the MFSPPDEF parameter of the DFSDCxxx PROCLIB member).
    • MFSPPDEF=Y (to use IMS ETO Support passphrase signon panel)
    • MFSPPDEF=N (to use IMS ETO Support password signon panel)

If this parameter is not specified and DFS3649=ETOS, the default is PASSSIZE=.

The following options can be used to determine the USER/LTERM structure names:
  • QNAMING=IMS (for the IMS default)
  • QNAMING=USER (to specify a user from the table)
  • QNAMING=SUFFIXED (to specify a suffixed user ID)
  • QNAMING=DFSSGNX1 (for user-supplied DFSSGNX1 exit)
  • QNAMING=APPEND@ (to specify user ID plus "@" character)
  • QNAMING=IMSSUF (to specify IMSID-based user ID suffixing)

If QNAMING=USER is specified on the Device Default Options record, it merely sets the default action for ETO support processing. In order to actually obtain the USER/LTERM from the table, a user ID or Node record needs to be created defining the USER/LTERM names to be used.

Specifies whether IMS ETO Support will append error text to message DFS3649A if a signon failure occurs when DFS3649=MOD is used.
IMS ETO Support will append error text to message DFS3649A if a signon failure occurs when DFS3649=MOD is used.
IMS ETO Support will not append error text to message DFS3649A if a signon failure occurs when DFS3649=MOD is used.
This represents the terminal response option. Valid specifications are:
Specify the name of the Security Group assigned to these devices. This option is used only if IMS ETO Support Security Table Lookup option is selected.
Specifies whether a user ID record must be defined for a signon to be successful.
The IMS ETO Support user ID table is searched at signon time. The signon fails if there is not a matching entry in the table.
Signon continues even if there is not a matching entry in the user ID table.
Specifies whether signon is allowed when an IMS Resource Manager (RM) affinity exists.
Signon is allowed even though an IMS Resource Manager (RM) affinity may exist.
Signon is not allowed if an IMS Resource Manager (RM) affinity exists.
If no option is specified, signon with IMS Resource Manager (RM) affinity is determined based on:
  • Setting from the IMS ETO Support global options
  • Setting in the DFSDCxxx PROCLIB member
  • IMS system default
Specifies the status recovery mode.
The IMS Resource Manager (RM) is to maintain terminal and user end-user status.
Terminal and user end-user status is to be maintained in local control blocks and log records.
Status is to be discarded at signoff/logoff/IMS restart.
If no option is specified, status is maintained based on:
  • Setting from the IMS ETO Support global options
  • Setting in the DFSDCxxx PROCLIB member
  • IMS system default
Specify one of the following keyword options:
Time-of-day checking is not done.
Time-of-day checking is performed at logon.
Time-of-day checking is performed at signon.
Specifies the name of the IMS transaction to schedule after a successful signon, instead of presenting the usual DFS3650I successful signon message. Specifying this option means that no values for options MOD3650= can be specified.

Deleting a default device record

The control statement format for deleting the default device record for SLU2/3270 devices is:


The following control statement changes the default ASOT value for SLU2/3270 devices:

   ZD ASOT=90
The following control statement deletes the default device record for SLU2/3270 devices: