IMS Connect Extensions feed fields

If you specify JSON as the destination of the IMS Connect Extensions feed, then you can select which fields to forward. Other destinations receive complete IMS Connect transaction index records.

The following table lists the fields that you can specify in the feed FIELDS parameter.

Table 1. IMS Connect Extensions feed fields
Name Description Form field in IMS Performance Analyzer Parent field Category
time Event time stamp.

The IMS Connect transaction start time as a date and time of day string value in ISO 8601 extended format:


Microsecond precision (fractions of a second to six decimal places); UTC time zone.

Origin: The time stamp of the IMS Connect read prepare (X'3C') start-of-frame event for the transaction.

In an IMS Connect transaction index record, this field is named starttime.

STARTCON   Identifiers
taskid Task ID     Identifiers
collecttask Collect task number     Identifiers
cextecltask CEXTECL task number     Identifiers
hwsname Connect system name HWSID   Identifiers
logontk EVKEY SVT STCK token CONNLTOK   Identifiers
otmassn EVT 41 SSN     Identifiers
port Port number PORT   Identifiers
socket Socket number SOCKET   Identifiers
trancode SVT_TXNAME Transaction Code TRANCODE   Identifiers
userid SVT_UID User ID USERID   Identifiers
originds SVT_DSORIG Datastore (Origin) ORIGDS   Identifiers
targetds SVT_DSTARG Datastore (Target) TARGDS   Identifiers
clientid IRM_CLID Client ID CLIENTID   Identifiers
tpipe TPIPE name TPIPE   Identifiers
xmladapter XML Adapter name XMLADAPT   Identifiers
altlterm Alternate LTERM LTERMOVR   Identifiers
reroute Re-route name REROUTNM   Identifiers
readexit Read exit name EXITNAME   Identifiers
tmember Tmember (and others) name TMEMBERD   Identifiers
idds The tmember field value refers to a Datastore   DSIDFlag Identifiers
idsci The tmember field value refers to SCI   DSIDFlag Identifiers
idmember The tmember field value refers to a Member   DSIDFlag Identifiers
idtmember The tmember field value refers to a TMEMBER   DSIDFlag Identifiers
idodbm The tmember field value refers to ODBM   DSIDFlag Identifiers
idmsc The tmember field value refers to MSC   DSIDFlag Identifiers
ipaddress IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) IPADDR   Identifiers
ipaddrv6 ipaddress field contains IPv6 address (IPv4 if not set)   Aflag2 Identifiers
inputtk Input Msg EVKEY SVT Token (58) CONNOTOK   Identifiers
type Fixed string value: "ims:ca20".

Here, ims is the log type and ca20 is the log code.

otmaack OTMA acknowledgment IMSACK Aflag1 Characteristics
istran Transaction type message   Aflag1 Characteristics
rtpnoauto Resume Tpipe Noauto command   Aflag2 Characteristics
rtpauto Resume Tpipe Auto command   Aflag2 Characteristics
rtpsingle Resume Tpipe Single command   Aflag2 Characteristics
sendonly Send-Only message   Aflag2 Characteristics
lptran Local Port Transaction PORTTYPE Aflag2 Characteristics
timerset IRM Timer value set   Aflag2 Characteristics
pstran Persistent Socket Transaction   Pflag1 Characteristics
sortcand SendOnly-ResTpipe candidate   Pflag2 Characteristics
sortmerge SendOnly-ResTpipe merged record   Pflag2 Characteristics
tovalue Timeout value     Characteristics
cm0 Commit mode 0   SyncFlag Characteristics
cm1 Commit mode 1   SyncFlag Characteristics
sl0 Synch level 0 (NONE)   SyncFlag Characteristics
sl1 Synch level 1 (CONFIRM)   SyncFlag Characteristics
sl2 Synch level 2 (SYNCPOINT)   SyncFlag Characteristics
purgend Purge if not deliverable CLIACK SyncFlag Characteristics
clirr Client re-route   SyncFlag Characteristics
npsocket Non-Persistent Socket   SockFlag Characteristics
psocket Persistent Socket   SockFlag Characteristics
tsocket Transaction Socket   SockFlag Characteristics
msgrr Re-Route this message CLIACK SockFlag Characteristics
cfsendonly Send only message   ClientFlag Characteristics
cfsetageing Message aging indicator for an input transaction. If used for a NAK of a synchronous callout msg, OTMA will keep the msg until the timeout is reached or a new Resume Tpipe for callout msg is processed.   ClientFlag Characteristics
cfreroute CM0 Reroute request   ClientFlag Characteristics
cfpurge Purge if not deliverable   ClientFlag Characteristics
cfewlmcorr EWLM correlator present in OMUSR_EWLMCORR field of User data segment   ClientFlag Characteristics
cfignpurge Force IMS to ignore Purge   ClientFlag Characteristics
cfsonlyenq Send-only ordered serial enqueue   ClientFlag Characteristics
irmtimer IRM_TIMER TIMERV   Characteristics
otmadelay OTMA Delay (01-41 + 42-31) DLAYOTMA   Elapsed times
inputelap 41-3C Input PREOTMA   Elapsed times
rdsockelap 49-3C Input READ Socket INREAD   Elapsed times
readxelap 3E-3D Message Exit READ READEXIT   Elapsed times
rxmlxelap 3E-3D Message Exit RXML RXMLEXIT   Elapsed times
safelap 40-3F SAF Call SAFTIME   Elapsed times
otmaelap 42-41 OTMA PROCOTMA   Elapsed times
xmitxelap 3E-3D Message Exit XMIT XMITEXIT   Elapsed times
rdackelap 49-4A Acknowledgment READ Socket ACKREAD   Elapsed times
confelap 41-42 Transaction Confirm CONFIRM   Elapsed times
trackelap 42-41 ACK Transaction Confirm CONFOTMA   Elapsed times
rtpelap 42-48 Resume-Tpipe time OUTRTCON   Elapsed times
outputelap 48-42 Output POSTOTMA   Elapsed times
resptime 48-3C Response time RESPCON   Elapsed times
portdepth Port depth PORTDEP   Statistics
rtpmsgct Resume Tpipe message count     Statistics
cliackct Client ACK count   Statistics
clinakct Client NAK count   Statistics
otmanakct OTMA NAK count   Statistics
complvl Completion level COMPLVLC   Status
rejected Transaction was rejected REJECT   Status
timedout Time out TIMEOUT Aflag1 Status
failed Transaction failed FAILED Aflag1 Status
trcactive Trace started for this SVT   Pflag1 Status
trcoflow Trace record has overflowed   Pflag1 Status
tranactiv Tran was active this session   Pflag1 Status
closedport Transaction closed the port   Pflag1 Status
writeread WRITE-READ (READ ACK)   Pflag1 Status
psacksent Persistent Socket (41) Ack sent   Pflag1 Status
pstransent Persistent Socket (41) Tran sent   Pflag1 Status
eottrigger End of Transaction (Trigger)   Pflag2 Status
naksc OTMA NAK Sense Code (OMCTLSNC)     Status
sensecode Sense Code (OMCTLSNC)     Status
cficalresp ICAL response in error   ClientFlag Status
zostoken z/OS Connect tracking token (64 bytes)     Identifiers
odbuowct Count of UOWs in this schedule     Statistics
odbsvrcod Highest severity code returned from an ODBM command. SVRCOD   Status
odbsecchk Highest security check code returned from an ODBM command. SECCHK   Status
odbcorrtoken ODBM correlation token. ODBCORTK   Identifiers
odbodbmname ODBM name. ODBMNAME   Identifiers
odbin_alias The name of the ODBM input alias. ALIAS   Identifiers
odbin_psbnme Input PSB name. PSBNAME   Identifiers
odbout_alias The name of the ODBM output alias. OUTALIAS   Identifiers
odbout_odbname Output ODBM name. OUTODBNM   Identifiers
odballocpsbelap ODBM allocate PSB elapsed time. ODBALPSB   Elapsed times
odbdeallocpsbelap ODBM deallocate PSB elapsed time. ODBDEPSB   Elapsed times
odbmsgelapsed The elapsed time taken by all messages in the ODBM transaction. ODBMSGTM   Elapsed times
dlifunction Type of DL/I function call made by the ODBM transaction. DLIFUNC   Characteristics
dliuowsq UOW number for this section. DLIUOWSQ   Identifiers
dlicount Count of each type of DL/I function call made by the ODBM transaction. DLIFUNCT   Statistics
dlirows Count of rows affected DLIFROWS   Statistics
dlicommitted Unit-of-work was committed.   dliuowdisp Characteristics
dlirolledback Unit-of-work was rolled back   dliuowdisp Characteristics
dlisvrcod Highest severity code returned from DL/I function call     Status
dlipcbname PCB name associated with the DL/I function call for an ODBM transaction. DLIPCBNM   Identifiers
dlidatabase Relational database name associated with the ODBM DL/I function call. DLIDBNM   Identifiers
dlimsgelapsed The elapsed time taken by all messages in the DL/I function call for an ODBM transaction. DLIMSGTM   Elapsed times
dliuowelapsed The ODBM unit of work (UOW) commit elapsed time. DLICOMTM   Elapsed times

Categories are descriptive only

The Category column in the previous table groups fields according to the nature of the information they contain about a transaction. These categories exist for documentation purposes only, to help you select fields that are of interest to you.

Field output order

The previous table does not reflect the order of fields in the feed JSON Lines output.

Each line of the feed JSON Lines output contains fields in the following order:

  1. time
  2. type
  3. Remaining field names in alphabetical order

The time and type fields are always included

Each line of the feed JSON Lines output always begins with a time field followed by a type field:

{"time":"2018-11-01T15:25:03.123456Z","type":"ims-ca20",… }

Do not specify time or type in the FIELDS parameter.

Field names

In general, the feed field names match IMS Connect transaction index field names, with the following variations and exceptions:

  • The field names in the feed JSON Lines output are all lowercase.
  • The time field in the feed corresponds to the starttime field in an IMS Connect transaction index.
  • The type field has no corresponding field in an IMS Connect transaction index.
  • The fields that you can specify in the FIELDS parameter are a subset of the IMS Connect transaction index fields.

Some feed fields match form fields in IBM® IMS Performance Analyzer for z/OS®. For more detailed descriptions of these fields, see the IMS Performance Analyzer documentation.

Fields with parent fields

Fields in the previous table with a Parent field are either flag bits or flag byte values. In the feed JSON Lines output, these fields have the boolean value true or false.

The Parent field column makes it easier to find these child fields when browsing IMS Connect transaction index records in IBM Transaction Analysis Workbench for z/OS or IBM IMS Problem Investigator for z/OS. You browse a record, and then select a parent field to browse its child field values.

Elapsed time values

Elapsed time field values are represented as a number of seconds to microsecond precision; six decimal places.

Fields with hexadecimal values

Some fields, such as computer-generated identifiers or correlation tokens, are represented as a string of hexadecimal digits. Each pair of digits represents a byte. For example, the 4-character string value "10FF" represents a sequence of two bytes, decimal values 16 and 255.

Elapsed time fields that cannot be calculated are omitted

Elapsed times are typically calculated from the difference between event time stamps. If an event that is required to calculate an elapsed time did not occur or was not collected, then the elapsed time cannot be calculated. Rather than including a bogus value, such as 0.0, which might skew statistics for the field, the feed omits the field. The line of JSON for that transaction does not include a property for that field.

Empty string fields are omitted

If a string field value is empty (), the feed omits the field. The line of JSON for that transaction does not include a property for that field.

Collection level can determine whether a field has a value

The LEVEL configuration parameter of the feed job specifies the IMS Connect Extensions collection level. The collection level controls which events the feed collects.

Some fields, such as some elapsed time fields, rely on events that are only collected at a certain minimum collection level. For details, see Events recorded by IMS Connect Extensions.