First time deployment guide

The purpose of this guide is to provide step-by-step instructions for a person who is either new to the monitoring system on z/OS® or new to the configuration tool, PARMGEN, which is used to get monitoring running properly at your site.

About this task

You should use this guide if any of the following items describes you:
  • You are installing IBM®’s OMEGAMON monitoring solutions at your site for the first time.
  • You are using the PARMGEN configuration tool for the first time.
  • You are performing a quick on-premise proof of concept deployment.

If none of these items describes you, then you are an experienced user of the monitoring products and the PARMGEN tool and you are welcome to go directly to the documented configuration scenarios after you’ve installed the products using SMP/E.

If you are a “first-time user” or “FTU,” according to any of these criteria, you’ve found the perfect place to start. As a new user, you can’t be expected to know enough detail about the monitoring components at this point to make the best decisions for your site. Our intent is to lead you through the implementation of the monitoring system without bogging you down in too much documentation. We’ll tell you what you need to know to get started and accomplish some tasks.

As you follow the configuration steps designed for the first-time user, you will begin to learn about the components that comprise the monitoring system and you will be more confident in the decisions you are making for your enterprise. Rather than overload you with options and advanced features, the FTU approach is to divide the entire scope of configuration into smaller tasks. After completing each task, you’ll be able to start and use the monitoring products that have been configured. You will see the system working after each configuration task is completed.

The goal of this guide is to keep the reading minimal while building your understanding. Just follow our step-by-step instructions and click on the links which will take you to the exact instructions you need to follow. When you’ve finished with the activity in each link, return to this document for the next task.