IBM Control Desk, Version 7.6.0

Command line interface parameters

The following parameters can be used with the configuration command line program to configure your environment.

Table 1. Control Desk command line configuration program parameters
Parameter name Description
-action Configuration action.
  • addLanguages – Adds additional languages to a current deployment.
  • configureProducts - Configures more products after an initial installation and configuration. This action can configure multiple products after they are installed and can also be used in an upgrade scenario.
  • deployConfiguration - Configures initial installation. This action can configure multiple products after they are installed. This action is used for new installations only.
  • deployDatabaseConfiguration - Validates command input and defines configuration property values for a new database for the current product.
  • deployJ2eeConfiguration - Validates command input and defines configuration property values for a new application server for the current product.
  • deployMiddlewareConfiguration – Configures initial middleware installation.
  • disableAppSecurity - Disables application security for the application. Security is handled entirely through Control Desk. This action sets the mxe.useAppServerSecurity property to a value of 0. This value is written to the database when updated.
  • disableDB2TextSearch - Disable the full text search feature on a DB2® database.
  • enableAppSecurity – Enables application security for the application. This action sets the mxe.useAppServerSecurity property to a value of 1, and updates the mxe.ldapUserManagement flag. This value is written to the database when the database is updated.
  • enableDB2TextSearch – Enables the full text search feature on a DB2 database.
  • reapplyAppServerTuning – Reapplies tuning configuration to an application server.
  • removeDatabaseConfiguration – Removes product configuration information from a previously configured database.
  • removeJ2EEConfiguration – Removes application server configuration that was added by the configuration tool.
  • updateApplication – Updates the Control Desk application by updating the database and redeploying application EAR files.
  • updateDatabaseConfiguration – Updates existing database configuration values.
  • updateJ2eeConfiguration - Updates existing application server configuration values.
  • validateAndUpdateDatabaseConfiguration – Validates reconfiguration command line interface tool input and then updates existing database configuration property values.
  • validateAndUpdateJ2eeConfiguration - Validates reconfiguration command line interface tool input and then updates application server configuration values.
  • validateDatabaseConfiguration - Validates database configuration values specified as input for the reconfiguration command line interface tool.
  • validateJ2eeConfiguration - Validates application server configuration values that are specified as input for the reconfiguration command line interface tool.
  • removeConfiguration - Removes database and application configuration performed by the configuration tool.
The actions that modify the security setting for Control Desk also updates Control Deskweb.xml files.
-additionalLangs Adds one or more additional languages to the deployment.

This parameter requires one or more locale abbreviations for input. For example, ES for Spanish.

-allowUpdateDB The database update task is run to add the languages that are specified to the database.
-applicationServerName Name of the application server.
-applicationServerNode Name of the application server node.
-automatedbconfig Automates the configuration of the database. Use this parameter to create the database instance, database users, the database, table spaces, and creates database schema.
-automatej2eeconfig Automates the configuration of WebSphere® Application Server. Using this parameter creates, for example, JMS queues and profiles.
-buildAndDeployEAR Rebuilds and deploys application EAR files. Application EAR files must be rebuilt and redeployed for configuration changes to take effect in the application.
-buildears Rebuilds application EAR files.
-bypassJ2eeValidation Skips the validation and configuration of the application server.

If you use this parameter, then you must manually configure the application server before you can deploy Control Desk.

Validation of a manually configured application server requires logging in to the application server with application server administrative credentials. If you do not want to provide those credentials to the configuration program, you can skip the validation task.

If you use the bypassJ2eeValidation parameter, you cannot also use the following parameters:
  • applicationServerName
  • applicationServerNode
  • automatej2eeconfig
  • buildAndDeployEAR
  • createResourcesIfMissing
  • deployhelpear
  • deploymaximoear
  • enableappsecurity
  • enableEnhancedNavigation
  • enableSkin
  • inputfile
  • j2eeserverport
  • usermanagement
  • wasuser
  • waspwd
-bypassUpdateDB Specifies that the database update task is not run and the installation program does not update the database.

Languages files for the locales that are specified are built into the application EAR file.

Use this parameter if you have run the database update task and included the language files in the database through another method.

-createResourcesIfMissing Creates any resources that are not found during configuration.
-db2_english_only Specifies that alphanumeric data is stored as a varchar data type. Using this parameter limits you to using English in the user interface.

If you do not use this parameter, alphanumeric data is stored as a vargraphic data type.

-db2textsearchport Port that is used by the DB2 server for full text search.
-dbname Name of the database.
-dbpwd Password for the user ID that accesses the database.
-dbrxapwd Password for the user ID used to access a remote middleware server.
-dbrxauser User ID used to access a remote middleware server.
-dbserverhost Host name of the database server.
-dbserverport Port name of the database server.
-dbuser User ID that accesses the database.
-dbvendor Database software name.
  • DB2
  • Oracle
  • SQLServer
-deleteInstanceUsersAndGroups Removes the instance owner and database user IDs and associated groups from the DB2 server. This parameter has cannot be used with and Microsoft SQL Server.

The deleteInstanceUsersAndGroups parameter requires the dbrxauser and dbrxapwd and the dbuser and dbpwd parameters.

-deleteWASprofiles Deletes the WebSphere Application Server profiles that are created for the application.
-deployDemoData Includes sample data.
-deployhelpear Deploys help application EAR file.
-deploymaximoear Deploys Maximo application EAR file.
-enableappsecurity Enables application security for the application. This parameter works the same as the enableAppSecurity action.

This action sets the mxe.useAppServerSecurity property to a value of 1, and updates the mxe.ldapUserManagement flag. This value is written to the database when updated.

-enableEnhancedNavigation Enables enhanced navigational elements in the user interface, including enhancements for switching between applications and viewing record lists.

The enableEnhancedNavigation parameter must be used with the enableSkin parameter.

If you enable enhanced navigation, and then you enable a different user interface skin with the –enableSkin parameter, you must re-enable enhanced navigation.

-enableMultiTenancy Enables the multitenancy feature.

Multitenancy refers to software or services that can be configured to serve multiple groups of clients referred to as tenants. Each group of tenants is served by an instance of the software that uses data that only they can access.

-enableRestrictivePasswordPolicy Enables a more restrictive password policy for Control Desk users.
  • Login attempts

    Standard policy allows 10 login attempts before the account is locked.

    Restrictive policy allows 3 login attempts before the account is locked.

  • Number of times that the forgotten password link can be used

    Standard policy allows 5 uses of the forgotten password link before locking the account.

    Restrictive policy allows 3 uses of the forgotten password link before locking the account.

  • Password duration (days)

    Standard policy passwords never expire.

    Restrictive policy passwords expire after 90 days.

  • Password expiration warning (days)

    Standard policy does not warn the user that the account password is about to expire.

    Restrictive policy warns the user that the account password is about to expire seven days before it expires.

  • Password threshold

    Standard policy does not enforce a password threshold.

    Restrictive policy enforces a password threshold of 270 characters.

  • Password minimum character length

    Standard policy passwords must be at least six characters.

    Restrictive policy passwords must be at least eight characters.

  • Limit of allowed consecutive characters

    Standard policy has no restrictions to the amount of times a character can be repeated consecutively in a password.

    Restrictive policy allows a character to be repeated two times consecutively in a password value.

  • Password can be same value as user name

    Standard policy allows you to use the same value for the user name and password.

    Restrictive policy does not allow you to use the same value for the user name and password.

  • Number of numeric characters required in the password

    Standard policy does not require numeric characters in a password value.

    Restrictive policy requires one or more numeric characters in a password value.

  • Number of alphabetic characters required in the password

    Standard policy does not require alphabetic characters in a password value.

    Restrictive policy requires one or more alphabetic characters in a password value.

-enableSkin Change the appearance of the user interface.
  • Classic
    Removes settings for the following properties:
    • mxe.webclient.homeButtonHeaders
    • mxe.webclient.systemNavBar
    • mxe.webclient.tabBreadCrumbs
    • mxe.webclient.verticalLabels
  • tivoli09
    Removes settings for the following properties:
    • mxe.webclient.homeButtonHeaders
    • mxe.webclient.systemNavBar
    • mxe.webclient.tabBreadCrumbs
    • mxe.webclient.verticalLabels
    Sets the following property:
  • tivoli13
    Sets the following properties to a value of 1:
    • mxe.webclient.homeButtonHeaders
    • mxe.webclient.systemNavBar
    • mxe.webclient.tabBreadCrumbs
    • mxe.webclient.verticalLabels
    Sets the following property:
-force Indicates that an input property file updates the properties file and skips the validation of parameters input to the command line tool through an input properties file.

When you use this parameter, you are not prompted for confirmation of the property update task.

-inputfile Fully qualified path to the properties file that is used to set properties in an environment.

Values that are specified as command line parameters for the configuration command line interface tool supersede values from the input file.

-j2eeserverhost Host name of the domain manager of the application server.

If deployment manager host name or server port is specified the thinwsadmin scripts are updated accordingly.

-j2eeserverport Port name of the application server domain manager server.

If deployment manager host name or server port is specified the thinwsadmin scripts are updated accordingly.

-j2eevendor Application server software.
  • WebSphere
  • WebLogic
-mtadminpwd Password for the user ID of the multitenancy configuration manager.
-mtadminuser User ID of the multitenancy configuration manager.
-mtdbpwd Password for the user ID of the multitenancy configuration manager that is used to connect to the database.
-mtdbuser User ID of the multitenancy configuration manager that is used to connect to the database.
-removeCreatedArtifacts Removes any artifacts that are created by the configuration tool. Examples include directories that are created by the configuration program, JMS objects, and the application server.
-removeInstance Removes the database instance for DB2 and Oracle. This parameter cannot be used with Microsoft SQL Server.

The removeInstance parameter requires the dbrxauser and dbrxapwd, and the dbuser and dbpwd parameters.

-setjdbcurl Sets the JDBC connection URL string.
-stopAppServer The application server must be stopped when you add languages. If you do not use the stopAppServer parameter with the addLanguages action, you must stop the application server manually before you use the addLanguages action.

This parameter is used for WebSphere Application Server only.

-unsetjdbcurl Removes the currently used JDBC connection URL string.
-updatedb Runs the updatedb configuration task.
-usermanagement Changes the security configuration of the existing Control Desk deployment.
  • j2ee

    Change the security setting in Control Desk so that both Control Desk users and Control Desk groups are managed through application server security mechanisms.

  • mixed

    Manage users through application server security mechanisms, and manage groups using Control Desk.

-validateForNewDeploy Validate middleware configuration.

When this parameter is specified, validation is performed as if the tool was configuring the middleware. Additional configuration details are checked, including disk space availability and remote access credentials.

If this parameter is not specified, validation is performed in the context of a component that is already established in the environment.

-validateUsers Used with the enableAppSecurity action to validate users exist in the LDAP repository.

If the users do not exist, the existing security model is not modified.

-waspwd WebSphere Application Server administrator user ID password.
-wasrxapwd Password for user ID to access remote WebSphere Application Server server host.
-wasrxauser Operating system user ID used to access remote WebSphere Application Server host. Typically this user ID is defined either as Administrator or root.
-wasuser WebSphere Application Server administrator user ID.

This is the user ID that is used to log in to the WebSphere Application Server administrative client application. Typically, this user ID is defined as wasadmin.
