Import a configuration from your local file system

You can manually import a configuration that someone has sent to you or that you have saved as a backup. Configurations can be used to standardize settings across an organization or as a method to copy database connections, preferences, remote systems artifacts, editor templates, and snippets. from an existing workspace into a new workspace.


  1. Open the import configuration dialog. Select File > Import > Rational Developer for i > Configuration Files. Click Next.
  2. Browse to the configuration on your local file system to set the Location. Click Finish to load the configuration into the wizard.
    Browse to the configuration
  3. Review the changes that you are importing. Expand categories to see more detail. Select changes that you want to accept. Deselect changes that you want to reject.
    Review changes
    Note: In the preferences section, items may be marked with the following images
    • No change: No change compared to the preference currently set in your workspace.
    • Add or remove: A preference is being added or removed.
    • Change to existing preference: An existing preference is being changed.

    If you want to see on a file level a change that will be made, double-click the item. This will open a compare view that shows your Original property values on the right and the Incoming values on the left. The markers + and - indicate whether a property is being added or removed. If there is no marker, the property is being changed.

    Compare changes

  4. Click OK to apply the configuration changes. The workbench will be restarted.
    Apply changes and restart