Import a configuration automatically when connecting to a remote host

If the administrator has exported a configuration to your server, when you connect to the server you will be prompted to apply the configuration to your workspace. If the force option was selected when the configuration was exported, if you do not accept the configuration, you will be disconnected from the server.


  1. Connect to a server. In the remote systems view, right-click your server and select Connect.
    Connect to server
  2. Process a configuration update that has the Force option enabled. If your administrator selected the Force option when exporting the configuration to the server you can click OK to accept the changes into your workspace or click Cancel. If you click Cancel, you will be disconnected from the server. If you accept the changes, you will be prompted to restart your workspace. No further steps in this task are necessary.
    Configuration updates detected with force option
  3. Process an optional configuration update. If the Force option was not selected by the administrator, you can choose the configuration changes that you want to accept. After you connect to a server, if new configuration updates are detected, you will see the following dialog.
    Configuration updates detected
  4. Review the changes that you are importing. Expand categories to see more detail. Select changes that you want to accept. Deselect changes that you want to reject.
    Review changes
    Note: In the preferences section, items may be marked with the following images
    • No change: No change compared to the preference currently set in your workspace.
    • Add or remove: A preference is being added or removed.
    • Change to existing preference: An existing preference is being changed.

    If you want to see on a file level a change that will be made, double-click the item. This will open a compare view that shows your Original property values on the right and the Incoming values on the left. The markers + and - indicate whether a property is being added or removed. If there is no marker, the property is being changed.

    Compare changes

  5. Click OK to apply the configuration changes. The workbench will be restarted.
    Apply changes and restart