MIP node selection strategy

Used to set the rule for selecting the next node to process when backtracking.


MIP node selection strategy

API Parameter Name Name prior to V12.6.0
C++ IloCplex::Param::MIP::Strategy::NodeSelect NodeSel (int)
OPL nodesel
Interactive mip strategy nodeselect mip strategy nodeselect
Identifier 2018 2018


Sets the rule for selecting the next node to process when the search is backtracking. The depth-first search strategy chooses the most recently created node. The best-bound strategy chooses the node with the best objective function for the associated LP relaxation. The best-estimate strategy selects the node with the best estimate of the integer objective value that would be obtained from a node once all integer infeasibilities are removed. An alternative best-estimate search is also available.

Table 1. Values
Value Symbol Meaning
0 CPX_NODESEL_DFS Depth-first search
1 CPX_NODESEL_BESTBOUND Best-bound search; default
2 CPX_NODESEL_BESTEST Best-estimate search
3 CPX_NODESEL_BESTEST_ALT Alternative best-estimate search