MIP locally valid implied bound cuts switch

Decides whether or not to generate locally valid implied bound cuts for the problem.


MIP locally valid implied bound cuts switch

API Parameter Name
C CPXPARAM_MIP_Cuts_LocalImplied
C++ IloCplex::Param::MIP::Cuts::LocalImplied
OPL localimplied
Interactive mip cuts localimplied
Identifier 2181


Instructs CPLEX whether or not to generate locally valid implied bound cuts for the model. The default value 0 (zero) specifies that the attempt to generate locally valid implied bound cuts should continue only if it seems to be helping.

For a definition of locally valid implied bound cuts, see the topic Implied bound cuts: global and local in the CPLEX User's Manual.

Table 1. Values
Value Meaning
-1 Do not generate locally valid implied bound cuts
0 Automatic: let CPLEX choose; default
1 Generate locally valid implied bound cuts moderately
2 Generate locally valid implied bound cuts aggressively
3 Generate locally valid implied bound cuts very aggressively