IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Virtual Environments, Version 7.2 Fix Pack 3

Capacity Planner Reports for VMware description

All the Capacity Planner reports work on the data set that is selected in the Capacity Planner Edit Current Environment view. These reports can be started from the Capacity Planner web pages and are started in the context of the current data set.

Capacity Planner contains the following predefined Cognos® based reports:
  • Capacity Planner Additional Workloads Analysis

    Shows the number of virtual machines that can be placed in the available CPU and Memory capacity (excluding the headroom).

  • Capacity Planner Current Environment

    Shows the resource demand numbers that are stored for each server present.

  • Capacity Planner Optimized Environment Plan

    Compares current resources that are used in the environment with optimized resources.

  • Capacity Planner Optimized Environment Plan Cluster Details

    Shows number of servers to be retired from cluster, number of VMs moved in and out of the cluster, VMs with no change in the Cluster and number of VMs not placed with reason.

  • Capacity Planner Physical Server Inventory

    Shows configuration summary details for physical servers that are present in the working set.

  • Capacity Planner Utilization Aggregated Timeseries

    Shows multiple time series plots for servers.

  • Capacity Planner Utilization Detailed Timeseries

    Shows a detailed, unaggregated plot for various servers in a provided time interval.

  • Capacity Planner Virtual Server Inventory

    Shows virtual machine configuration details. The virtual machines that are shown are hosted on servers in the working set.

  • VMware Expense Reduction Report

    Suggests optimizations and demonstrates Return on Investment savings on using Smart Cloud Monitoring.

Table 1. Capacity Planner Additional Workloads Analysis report
Report structure Description
Name Capacity Planner Additional Workloads Analysis
Description This report shows the number of virtual machines that can be placed in the available CPU and Memory capacity (excluding the headroom). In addition, this report shows the distribution of virtual machines. Based on this distribution of virtual machines, the report takes the values that a user entered to show how many virtual machines can be placed in the available capacity.
Purpose This report helps capacity planner to complete what-if analysis on the additional workloads that are based on Average, Minimum, Maximum, or Custom virtual machine profile. The Average profile is the default profile. A profile of the virtual machine is computed based on the resource recommendations that are displayed in the Capacity Planner Optimized Environment Plan report.
VM Profile
You can select a virtual machine profile for which you want to view the report. The following are the virtual machine profiles:
  • Average
  • Minimum
  • Maximum
  • Custom
The report displays the following tables and graphs for the additional workloads:
  • The first table displays information about Recommended CPU (in GHz) and Recommended Memory (in GB).
  • The second table displays the values for the following parameters:
    • Physical Server Name
    • Total CPU GHz
    • Spare CPU GHz (Excluding Overhead)
    • Total Memory GB
    • Spare Memory GB (Excluding Overhead)
    • Constraint
    • No. of Additional Workloads
  • The first graph displays the virtual machine distribution for CPU usage (in GHz).
  • The second graph displays the virtual machine distribution for memory usage (in GB).
Table 2. Capacity Planner Current Environment report
Report structure Description
Name Capacity Planner Current Environment
Description This report shows the resource demand numbers that are stored for each server present. CPU and memory details are displayed for selected data centers, clusters, and host servers. Recommended reservation is displayed with current reservation of virtual machine CPU and memory details. Expected network usage and storage are displayed. Threshold values of CPU, memory, network, and disk are given.
Purpose Show resource demand numbers for each server. Compare recommended reservation with current reservation. Show expected usage and storage, and threshold values.
Data Center
You can choose one data center, or all.
You can choose one cluster, or all, among clusters that belong to the selected data centers.
Host Servers
You can choose one server, or all, among servers that belong to the selected clusters.
Output The report displays two bar charts for each selected data center, cluster, and host server. The first bar chart displays CPU details. The second bar chart displays memory details. Both bar charts display capacity, recommended reservation, buffer, and space.

These bar charts are followed by two bar charts that compare current reservation with recommended reservation for each individual virtual machine in the selected data center, cluster, and host server. The first of these bar charts display data for CPU. The second bar chart displays data for memory.

The final two bar charts display expected usage for the individual virtual machines. The first bar chart displays expected network usage. The second bar chart displays expected storage usage.

At the end of the report, a table displays Thresholds Used for CPU, Memory, Network, and Disk. In each of these four categories, thresholds are displayed for Utilization (High/Medium/Low) and Variance (Stable/Unstable).

Table 3. Capacity Planner Optimized Environment Plan report
Report structure Description
Name Capacity Planner Optimized Environment Plan
Description This report compares current resources that are used in the environment with optimized resources. Current, and recommended, values are displayed for total capacity, reservation, and spare CPU (GHZ) and memory (GB). Expected utilization is displayed before and after optimization.
Purpose Compares recommended values with current values for capacity, reservation, and spare CPU and memory. Show expected utilization before and after optimization.
Output The report displays a table with the current, and recommended, number of physical servers and virtual machines. For both CPU and memory, the table also displays the current, and recommended, values of total capacity, reservation, and spare, which is the difference between capacity and reservation.
This table is followed by summary of cluster level actionable recommendations, which shows the following statistics:
  • Current number of servers and VMs
  • Current CPU utilization (in GHz) and Memory utilization (in GB)
  • Recommended number of servers and VMs
  • Recommended CPU utilization (in GHz) and Memory utilization (in GB)
  • Number of VMs moved out and moved in
  • Number of servers recommended for retirement and number of VMs not placed
In this table, when you click the Cluster name, the "Capacity Planner Optimized Environment Plan Cluster Details" report opens, which displays details of the actionable recommendations for the selected cluster.

This table is followed by two bar charts - one for CPU and one for memory. Each bar chart displays Expected Utilization before Optimization, Expected Utilization after Optimization, Capacity, Buffer, and Spare.

The bar charts are followed by a table that contains details of individual virtual machines: Name, Number of vCPUs, Current Reservation CPU, Current Reservation Memory, Recommended Reservation CPU, Recommended Reservation Memory, Operating System, and Application.

This sequence of charts and tables is repeated for each physical server specified.

This report also displays the following actionable recommendation scenarios:
  • Virtual Machines that should be moved from one cluster to another
  • Virtual Machines that could not be placed and associated reason(s)
  • Data Centers that have significant change in Capacity Efficiency Index (CEI)
  • Clusters that have significant change in Capacity Efficiency Index (CEI)
  • Physical Servers that have significant change in Capacity Efficiency Index (CEI)
  • Virtual Machines that have significant change in Performance Risk Index (PRI)
  • Summary usage of fictitious servers
Table 4. Capacity Planner Optimized Environment Plan Cluster Details report
Report Structure Description
Name Capacity Planner Optimized Environment Plan Cluster Details
Description This report shows details of actionable recommendations for the selected cluster.
Purpose Shows number of servers to be retired from cluster, number of VMs moved in and out of the cluster, VMs with no change in the Cluster and number of VMs not placed with reason.
Data Center
You can choose one data center.
You can choose one cluster from the clusters that belong to the selected data center.
This report displays the following actionable recommendation scenarios for the selected cluster:
  • The "Servers recommended for retirement" chart displays number of servers to be retired from the selected cluster.
  • The "Virtual Machines that should be moved out of the Cluster" chart displays number of virtual machines that must be moved out of the selected cluster.
  • The "Virtual Machines that should be moved into the cluster" chart displays number of virtual machines that must be moved into the selected cluster.
  • The "Virtual Machines with no change in the Cluster and have recommended configuration change" chart displays number of virtual machines with no change in the selected cluster, and have recommended configuration change for CPU or Memory demand.
  • In the "Virtual Machines that were not placed" chart, the reason "No utilization data" indicates that no recommended CPU and memory reservation exist for the associated virtual machine and for all other cases the reason is "Not determined".
  • The links at the end of this report display the following IBM® Tivoli® Monitoring for Virtual Environments Reports:
    • VMware VI Top N VMs By Resource Pool
    • VMware VI Bottom N VMs by Resource Pool
Table 5. Capacity Planner Physical Server Inventory report
Report structure Description
Name Capacity Planner Physical Server Inventory
Description This report shows configuration summary details for physical servers that are present in the working set. The values that are displayed are Number of Physical servers, Number of Physical CPUs, CPU Speed (GHz), and Memory Installed (GB). The distribution of servers is displayed for different data centers, clusters, and hypervisors.
Purpose Show configuration summary details for physical servers in the working set.
Output The report displays bar charts of the distribution of physical servers.
  • The first chart displays the distribution for different clusters and data centers.
  • The second chart displays the distribution for different hypervisors.
Table 6. Capacity Planner Utilization Aggregated Timeseries report
Report structure Description
Name Capacity Planner Utilization Aggregated Timeseries
Description This report shows multiple time series plots for servers. The report compares aggregated utilization values on the y axis for various virtual machines that are selected or hosted on servers present in the working set. Utilization is displayed for CPU, memory, network, and storage.
Purpose Show utilization for various servers in a provided time interval.
You can choose minimum, maximum, or average aggregation.
You can choose the granularity of how the data are generated. You can choose Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly.
Data Center
You can choose one data center, or all.
You can choose one cluster, or all, among clusters that belong to the selected data centers.
Host Servers
You can choose one server, or all, among servers that belong to the selected clusters.
Top/Bottom VMs
You can choose whether to view the top used or bottom used virtual machines.
Value of N
You can enter the number of virtual machines or what percentage of virtual machines to view at the top or bottom.
Output The report displays separate line graphs for CPU, memory, network, and storage utilization.
Table 7. Capacity Planner Utilization Detailed Timeseries report
Report structure Description
Name Capacity Planner Utilization Detailed Timeseries
Description This report shows a detailed, unaggregated plot for various servers in a provided time interval. Data points come directly from aggregated measurement tables in utilization schema. Utilization is displayed for CPU, memory, network, and disk.
Purpose Shows utilization for various servers in a provided time interval.
You can choose minimum, maximum, or average aggregation.
You can choose the granularity of how the data are generated. You can choose Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly.
Data Center
You can choose one data center, or all.
You can choose one cluster, or all, among clusters that belong to the selected data centers.
Host Server
You can choose one server, or all, among servers that belong to the selected clusters.
Top/Bottom VMs
You can choose whether to view the top used or bottom used virtual machines.
Value of N
You can enter the number of virtual machines or what percentage of virtual machines to view at the top or bottom.
Output The report displays separate line graphs for CPU, memory, network, and disk utilization.
Table 8. Capacity Planner Virtual Server Inventory report
Report structure Description
Name Capacity Planner Virtual Server Inventory
Description This report shows virtual machine configuration details. The virtual machines that are shown are hosted on servers in the working set. The values that are displayed are Number of Virtual Machines, Number of Virtual CPUs, Current CPU Reservation (GHz), and Current Memory Reservation (GB). The distribution of virtual machines is displayed for different data centers, clusters, operating systems, and applications.
Purpose Show configuration summary details for virtual machines that are hosted on servers in the working set.
Output The report displays bar charts of the distribution of virtual machines.
  • The first chart displays the distribution for different clusters and data centers.
  • The second chart displays the distribution for different operating systems.
  • The third chart displays the distribution for different applications.
Table 9. VMware Expense Reduction report
Report Structure Description
Name VMware Expense Reduction Report
Description This report helps the IBM technical sales team to explain Return on Investment (ROI) for the Smart Cloud Monitoring offering that is based on the historical data and capacity analytics for the VMware agent. In addition, this report can be used by customers to explain Return on Investment savings.
The VMware Expense Reduction report:
  • suggests optimizations
  • demonstrates Return on Investment savings because of the usage of Smart Cloud Monitoring
User Inputs for Analysis
Number of vSphere Servers
Type the number of vSphere servers. This is the number of vSphere servers across the enterprise.
Number of Virtual Machines
Type the number of virtual machines for which you want the report to be displayed. This is the number of virtual machines across the enterprise.
Number of Data Stores
Type the number of data stores for which you want the report to be displayed. This is the number of data stores across the enterprise.
Select the currency. This is the local currency measure. The default currency is US Dollars.
Hardware cost per server
Type a value for the cost per server. This is the cost of each server that comprises the VMware environment.
Administrative cost per server
Type a value for the cost per server. This is the average cost of administering a vSphere Server. This cost is based on the location of the data center.
Virtualization Licensing per CPU socket
Type a value for virtualization licensing per CPU socket. This is an average cost for the CPU sockets per server in the environment.
Energy cost per server per year
Type a value for the energy cost per server per year. This is an annual cost for power for an average server in the VMware environment.
Flooring space per server
Type a value for the flooring space that is required per server. This is the average cost for floor space for each of the vSphere servers.
Storage cost per TB
Type a value for storage cost per server. This is the average cost to purchase and maintain a Terabyte of storage for the VMware environment.
Smart Cloud Monitoring Software Cost per VM
Type the cost of IBM SmartCloud® Monitoring per virtual machine. Consider the following points when you provide this information:
  • What is the software price as per the currency in your country? The list price for IBM SmartCloud Monitoring in US dollars is $225/Virtual Machine.
  • What discount will you offer your customer?
  • If the customer is already paying for VMware monitoring, you might consider entering zero for this value to represent the fact that there is no difference in the price the customer is currently paying for management software.
This report displays the following sections on a page:
  • Optimization

    This section suggests optimizations that are based on the parameters that are selected in the Capacity Planning tool from step 1 through step 5.

  • Savings

    This section displays the Return on Investment (ROI) savings that are based on various cost factors, such as Administration, Licensing, Flooring, Storage, Energy, Hardware, and Smart Cloud Monitoring software.

Note: The VMware Expense Reduction Report provides an estimated projected savings if the VMware environment is optimized based on the recommendations in the report. This report depends on input data from the customer to identify their costs for power, cooling, and licenses.
