Appendix 1: TM1 Admin Host

The TM1 Admin Server uses port 5895 for HTTP or port 5898 for HTTPS to communicate with the TM1 REST API. These values cannot be changed using IBM Cognos Configuration.

If you need to change the default values, you can modify the \<install directory>\configuration\cogstartup.xml file.

If you are using HTTPS, add the following lines:

<crn:parameter name="tm1AdminHTTPSPortNumber">
<crn:value xsi:type="xsd:unsignedShort">[xxxx]</crn:value> </crn:parameter>

If you are not using HTTPS, add the following lines:

<crn:parameter name="tm1AdminHTTPPortNumber">
<crn:value xsi:type="xsd:unsignedShort">[xxxx]</crn:value> </crn:parameter>

Where [xxxx] is an available port number.

Restart the TM1 Admin Server and verify the port number settings by specifying http://tm1server:8000/api/v1/Servers in a local browser instance.

The response identifies the available servers in the following form:

{"@odata.context": "$metadata#Servers", "value":
      "Name": "Planning Sample",
      "IPAddress": "",
      "IPv6Address": "",
      "PortNumber": 12347,
      "ClientMessagePortNumber": 0,
      "HTTPPortNumber": 8000,
      "UsingSSL": false,
      "AcceptingClients": true

Other available servers might also appear, but they don't display the HTTPPortNumber value unless these steps are performed on the directories where they reside. The TM1 Admin Server provides the Server Root URL and displays the Servers entity set.