Configuring Cognos TM1 Web to use Cognos Security

Follow these steps to configure IBM® Cognos® TM1® Web to use IBM Cognos authentication security.

Before you begin

Note: If you applied a Cognos Business Intelligence (BI) updater kit to your BI installation, you might need to make specific updates to the tm1web.html file.

The tm1web.html file supports Cognos TM1 Web to use IBM Cognos authentication security. However, it does not get updated when you apply a Cognos BI updater kit. Instead, an updated file that is called is placed in the same Cognos BI ...\webcontent\tm1\web directory as the original file. Use the newer version of tm1web.html and update it with any changes you made in the original tm1web.html file.

About this task

These steps include editing configuration files on your Cognos TM1 Web system and copying them over to your Cognos Business Intelligence (BI) system.


  1. Locate and extract the following files in your Cognos TM1 Web installation directory.
    This file is contained inside the compressed file
    This file is contained inside the compressed file

    The compressed files are located in the following location:

    <TM1 installation location>\webapps\tm1web\bi_files

    For example:

    C:\Program Files\IBM\cognos\tm1_64\webapps\tm1web\bi_files

  2. Rename the variables_TM1.xml.sample file to variables_TM1.xml.
  3. Rename the file to tm1web.html.
  4. Copy the files to your Cognos BI installation.
    Copy this file to <Cognos location>\templates\ps\portal on your Cognos BI system.
    Copy this file to <Cognos location>\webcontent\tm1\web on your Cognos BI system.
  5. Edit the tm1web.html file to point to where Cognos TM1 Web is running.

    var tm1webServices = ["http://SystemName:PortNumber"];

    For example:

    var tm1webServices = ["http://mysystem:9510"];