Microsoft Excel .xls worksheets

IBM® Cognos® TM1® Web versions 10.2.0 and later use the Open XML file formats for Microsoft Excel worksheets created using Excel 2007 or later.

If you are using existing Microsoft Excel files in the older .xls format, use the Cognos TM1 conversion tool to convert the files. If your original file contained macros, the Cognos TM1 conversion tool converts the original file into a macro-enabled .xlsm file, otherwise it is converted into a standard .xslx file.

The Convert Excel files to OpenXML Excel format option in Cognos TM1 Architect Server Explorer converts a single .xls worksheet or all worksheets in a folder. Only administrative users have this option available. The conversion renames the files to preserve as many links as possible after the conversion. Some links and action buttons need to be updated depending on permissions that may have changed as a result of the move to cell-based security that occurred in version 10.2.0.

In some cases, the Named Ranges from the original file could be renamed in the converted file during the conversion process.

By default a backup of the pre-converted worksheets is saved. By default a log file is also generated.