Opening a CubeViewer object

To identify and open a Cognos® TM1® Web CubeViewer object, combine the Action=Open command with the Type, Cube, View and AccessType parameters in your URL.

Use the following format to open a CubeViewer object:



Copy and paste the following URL directly into the address bar of your web browser to see this example.


Use the following JavaScript function to load a CubeViewer into an iframe.

function loadCubeview() {

   // Get a reference to an existing iframe that has this ID
   cubeView = document.getElementById("cubeviewId");

   // Assemble the URL and assign it to the iframe
   cubeView.src = baseUrl + "#Action=Open&Type=CubeViewer
   &Cube=plan_BudgetPlan&View=Budget Input Detailed&AccessType=Public";
