Automating tasks with the Cognos TM1 Application Maintenance utility

The Cognos® TM1® Application Maintenance utility is a command-line utility that helps administrators take actions that were previously only possible from the Cognos TM1 portal.

The utility can be used to deploy a version of the automation for use on a machine other than the Cognos TM1 application server. You can also run the utility from inside a TurboIntegrator Process as part of a wider-ranging chore.

The utility is installed as part of the Cognos TM1 application in install_dir/webapps/pmpsvc/WEB-INF/tools/app_maintenance.bat

To display a list of the actions that can be automated along with the required parameters, use the -h argument. For a formatted version, pipe the output to a temporary text file, for example app_maintenance_bat -h > automate.txt, The help file contains all the parameters and syntax that is needed for each action.

The utility can automate the following actions:

  • Activate/deactivate an application
  • Deploy an application
  • Import/Export/refresh rights
  • Logon with a CAM logon
  • Logon with an encrypted password
  • Logon with an encrypted password created with TM1crypt.exe
  • Log to a file
  • Set logging level to ERROR, DEBUG, INFO, or OFF
  • Execute a sequence of commands from a command file
  • Package the app_maintenance tool so that it can be installed and run on another machine
  • Enable/disable a server
  • Reset the application (not included in the -h flag listing). Reset using this utility removes all existing sandboxes for cubes in the Application. When you use Reset from the TM1 Applications portal, are prompted to verify that you want sandboxes removed.

The tool requires a Java™ runtime environment. By default the tool uses the jre in the usual TM1 installation location. It uses the JAVA_HOME or JRE_HOME environment variables.

To deploy the tool to another machine, a jre must be available on the other machine. Tthe Javahome variable must be set so that the tool can find it.

You can also deploy a version of the tool and all the required executables it needs into one location. Then you can easily import them to another machine.

For example, you can create a folder that is called D:\AppAutomation\utility on the machine where you want the utility to run. On the original machine, use the following command to package up the tool and its required objects: app_maintenance,bat - package "D:\AppAutomation\utility". This action creates a compressed file called which can be moved to the other machine where you want to run the automation. The compressed file includes the tool and the objects it needs. Extract the compressed file on the secondary machine. Ensure that there is a Java runtime environment available on the secondary machine and that it is identified in the javahome or jrehome environment variable.

The following sample syntax that is used to deactivate an application called StorePlan (breaks in syntax are for formatting purposes only. Do not break these lines in your commands):

cd "D:\Program Files\ibm\cognos\tm1_64\webapps\pmpsvc\WEB-INF\tools"
-username admin -pwd apple 
-op deactivate 
-app {d06b9060-c3cc-4c4f-ac5d-60276540a9ce}

The service URL is the URL used to browse to the TM1 Applications portal. Your browser may encode the "{}" in the URL. Ensure your GUID is using the convention you need for your browser.

This command uses TM1 authentication. In a production environment, it is not secure enough to pass the username and password in clear text. Use the TM1Crypt utility to encrypt the necessary admin credentials and then pass in an encrypted password file to this utility. See "Using TM1Crypt.exe" in the IBM® Cognos TM1 Installation and Configuration Guide for details on encrypting authentication.

The GUID can be identified by the aid parameter in the browser link when you open the application in the TM1 Applications portal.


Using the automation tool as part of a TurboIntegrator process

You can also use this utility as part of a TurboIntegrator process.

For example, suppose that you have a model with the following approval hierarchy:
Figure 1. Store Plan Workflow model
Europe node with leaf children of Central Europe, Northern Europe, GO Accessories, and Southern Europe

For this example, you want to add a new leaf node called "Western Europe" that rolls up into Europe. You can create a set of TurboIntegrator processes combined into a chore. Ensure that the Chore process is set to use Multiple Commit mode, so that the TurboIntegrator process is committed and relevant locks released before the next TurboIntegrator process is processed. Then use the automation tool to refresh and update the application in an overnight batch process.

The TurboIntergrator processes will takes the following actions:

Makes the application unavailable to users while the update is taking place.
Update Country and Region
This action updates the approval hierarchy dimension for this application. The command adds Western Europe as a node beneath Europe.
Update Approval Hierarchy Subset
This action updates the approval hierarchy subset with the new information.
Deploy Store Plan app
This action redeploys the application. In a production environment, data would be added first.
Refresh rights for Store Plan app
This action updates the rights for users with review rights to Europe. Those users would inherity the rights to the new node.
Activate Store Plan app
This action makes the application available to users again after making those changes.
Following is a sample of the deactivate process:
Sample deactivate TurboIntegrator process

The "1" in the command indicates that the command completes before the next command is executed.

When the chore is complete, it can be executed immediately or scheduled to run as an overnight process.