Observer reference

Before observers can load data, you must first define and then run observer jobs. This section describes how to manually configure, schedule and run observers.

Remember: It is recommended that you use the Observer Configuration UI to create and run observer jobs, instead of editing job configuration files manually, as described here. However, to schedule jobs and configure trust stores and certificates, you can use the information in this section.

All prerequisites are deployed during the Agile Service Manager core installation. This includes the docker containers for the observers, which should be installed and running, as well as the required scripts to manage jobs.

You can verify that the observer docker containers are running using the following command:
The system will return text showing all running containers in a state of Up.

Observer jobs are configured and run from the Observer Configuration UI, and can be long-running or transient. For example, the Network Manager Observer topology 'load' job is a one-off, transient job, while the Network Manager and Event Observer 'listen' jobs are long-running, which run until explicitly stopped, or until the Observer is stopped.

In addition to being configurable from the Observer Configuration UI, all on-prem observer jobs also have scripts to start and stop all available jobs, to list the status of a current job, and to set its logging levels. Scripts can be run with -h or --help to display help information, and with -v or --verbose to print out the details of the actions performed by the script, including the full cURL command. For the on-prem version of Agile Service Manager, observer scripts are configured for specific jobs by editing the script configuration files.