Backing up and restoring Watson Explorer oneWEX on Docker

Applies to version 12.0.1 and subsequent versions unless specifically overridden If you installed IBM Watson® Explorer oneWEX on Docker, you can back up and restore IBM Watson Explorer oneWEX.


Backing up Watson™ Explorer oneWEX.

  1. Run the following script.
    # WEX_HOME/bin/wexdocker.bat backup <backup_directory>
    # WEX_HOME/bin/ backup <backup_directory>

    The default value of <backup_directory> is WEX_HOME/dump. The backup file is <docker_name>_<timestamp>.tgz

    Note: The host configuration WEX_HOME/conf is not to be backed up or restored. It has to be handled separately.

Restoring Watson Explorer oneWEX.

  1. Run the following script.
    # WEX_HOME/bin/wexdocker.bat restore <backup_file>
    # WEX_HOME/bin/ restore <backup_file>

    All existing data will be replaced with the contents of the backup file.