Managing backends

Backends are additional IBM Watson® Explorer oneWEX or Watson Discovery servers that can contain data sources for your projects. The Watson™ Explorer oneWEX server that hosts Watson Explorer oneWEX Application Builder is available by default.

To access the Manage Backends page, click Menu > Backends on any page. A list of backends is displayed.

Select either the oneWEX or Watson Discovery tab and click Create backend to add a backend. On the Create oneWEX Backend or Create WDS Backend page add the information for the backend. The Username and Password fields will be used to sign into the server.

Checking status

If you check the Status checkbox at the top-right corner of the Manage Backends page, the Status column appears in the table. The column shows the status of each backend. The status indicates an error if a backend is unreachable, or if authentication fails.

Note: Application Builder uses its login information (username and password) for the default oneWEX server, and the same information will be used for secure search. For the additional servers, Application Builder uses a specified username and password to connect to the server, regardless of the login username and password.