Backing Up Application Builder System Files

About this task

System configuration data is the information that defines how the Application Builder exists within your network. It defines the state of the Application Builder when it starts and the location of any related components.

These files must be backed up and restored manually (using command line commands or a graphical file browser). These files can be backed up at any time.


To backup the Application Builder system files, locate the following files on the appropriate Watson™ Explorer server and copy them to a secure location:
  • The web server configuration file on the Application Builder server: AppBuilder/wlp/usr/servers/AppBuilder/server.xml
  • The ZooKeeper identification file on the Application Builder server: AppBuilder/wlp/usr/servers/AppBuilder/zookeeper.yml
  • The ZooKeeper configuration file on each ZooKeeper server: ZooKeeper/zookeeper/conf/zoo.cfg
  • The ZooKeeper data files on each ZooKeeper server: ZooKeeperData/*
Note: The file paths listed in the preceding list are relative to the installation directory of your Watson Explorer module.