Configuring the crawler server for DB2 crawlers

Before you create a DB2 crawler, you must run a provided setup script, escrdb2, on the crawler server. The script enables the DB2 crawler to communicate with database servers and crawl database tables. If you use event publishing, the script also enables the crawler to access WebSphere® MQ queue managers and queues.

Before you begin

You must install the DB2® Data Server Client before you run the escrdb2.vbs setup script.

If you use event publishing, you must install the WebSphere MQ modules for Java™ Messaging on the crawler server so that the DB2 crawler can access WebSphere MQ queue managers and queues. You must run the escrdb2.vbs setup script after you install the WebSphere MQ modules.


To configure the crawler server to support crawling by DB2 crawlers:

  1. Optional: If you plan to use event publishing, install the WebSphere MQ modules for Java Messaging on the crawler server. See the WebSphere MQ documentation for instructions.
  2. Log in as the default Watson Explorer Content Analytics administrator on the crawler server.
    On a Windows 2008 server, you must log in as the Windows Administrator.
  3. Change to the ES_INSTALL_ROOT/bin directory, run the setup script, and answer the prompts:
    AIX® or Linux®
    cd $ES_INSTALL_ROOT/bin
    cd %ES_INSTALL_ROOT%\bin
  4. Restart the Watson Explorer Content Analytics system:
    esadmin system stopall
    esadmin system startall