Port number configuration

Review the default port numbers so that you can avoid port conflicts when you configure resources or assign port numbers to other applications.

If you configure a firewall, you must explicitly enable access to particular port numbers. You must also ensure that all Watson Explorer Content Analytics servers are inside the firewall.

Table 1. Default port number configuration
Port name Port numbers Where configured
Common communication layer (CCL) 6002 ES_INSTALL_ROOT/nodeinfo/es.cfg and ES_NODE_ROOT/master_config/nodes.ini on all servers
Data listener port 6668 To change this port, use the System view in the Watson Explorer Content Analytics administration console to configure your data listener application.
Embedded web application server: administration console and REST API for administration, non-SSL 8390 ES_INSTALL_ROOT/nodeinfo/es.cfg
Embedded web application server: administration console and REST API for administration, SSL 9440 ES_NODE_ROOT/master_config/admin/wlp/server.xml. You can also configure the SSL port when you configure security settings in the administration console.
WebSphere® Application Server: administration console and REST API for administration 9081 or 80 ES_INSTALL_ROOT/nodeinfo/es.cfg
Search server 8394 ES_INSTALL_ROOT/nodeinfo/es.cfg
Embedded web application server: enterprise search application, content analytics miner, and REST API for search, non-SSL 8393 ES_INSTALL_ROOT/nodeinfo/es.cfg
Embedded web application server: enterprise search application, content analytics miner, and REST API for search, SSL 9443 ES_NODE_ROOT/master_config/searchapp/wlp/server.xml. You can also configure the SSL port when you configure security settings in the administration console.
WebSphere Application Server: enterprise search application, content analytics miner, and REST API for search 9081 or 80 ES_INSTALL_ROOT/nodeinfo/es.cfg
HTTP server for the embedded web application server 80 HTTP_SERVER_ROOT/conf/http.conf on the search servers
HTTP server for WebSphere Application Server 9081 HTTP_SERVER_ROOT/conf/http.conf on the search servers
WebSphere Application Server administrative console 9060 On the search servers, if you use WebSphere Application Server
DB2 crawler 6000, 6001, 6002, 60003, 50000 On the crawler server
Anonymous or dynamic ports for CCL, file transfers (ESFTP), and index copy 49152 to 65535 On all servers
Apache Derby Network Server 1527 On the crawler server
Custom communication 8890 On the crawler server. The default listening port is undefined, which means the session obtains an available port. If you want to set a fixed port number, set the port property in the ES_INSTALL_ROOT/configurations/customcommunication /customcommunication.properties file.
IBM® Content Integrator FastObjects database 6001 (6002 as an alternate) In the IBM Content Integrator administration console
IBM Content Integrator remote method invocation (RMI) proxy connector 1251 (RMI port) In the IBM Content Integrator administration console