Enabling CGI Module Support and Execution

Using Watson Explorer Engine with all supported versions of the Microsoft IIS web server requires that support for unspecified CGI modules be enabled in the IIS Web Server.


  1. Start the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
  2. In the Connections pane, select your server, and then from the center pane, select ISAPI and CGI Restrictions.
  3. From the Actions pane, click Open Feature.
  4. From the Actions pane, click Edit Feature Settings.
  5. Ensure that Allow unspecified CGI modules is selected. If it is not, select that option and click OK to save your changes and close the window.

What to do next

Installing and using Watson Explorer Engine with IIS also requires that execute rights be enabled for CGI applications so that your IIS web server can run executable files that are in the www\cgi-bin subdirectory of the directory in which you installed Watson Explorer Engine.

To enable execute rights:

Important: When you install Watson Explorer Engine and integrate it with an existing Microsoft Windows IIS server, the installation process grants write permission to all users on all Watson Explorer directories that can be written to. Administrators can then further restrict write access to the Watson Explorer Engine files and directories manually.