
In IBM® Cognos® Producer Lifecycle and Credential Management, you can add producers, agencies, branches, units, and offices to your company.

When you add a producer, agency, branch, unit, or office, an onboarding kit is created and must be completed by the appropriate user. Agency owners, producers, and sub-producers can use the Onboarding page to complete and view the status of the onboarding kits for which they have been granted access. For example, corporate officers can view corporate producer contracts assigned to them as well as their individual contracts. If you have an onboarding kit to complete, you can begin the process of filling in the required information for the kit from the Onboarding page. You can also view the onboarding kits that are complete on this page. When using a profile for an individual, the Onboarding page shows all kits assigned to that user for completion, both current and past. This includes a corporate producer kit assigned to the corporate officer for completion. The forms that are included in the onboarding kit are selected based on the associated contract type.