Classify software

After you imported the part numbers, you can focus on the software components that are included in your license agreement, and for which you are responsible. Verify the assignments and confirm them, or further reassign the components if needed. Your goal is to bundle and confirm all components.

  1. Log in to License Metric Tool.
  2. Go to Reports > Software Classification.
  3. First, confirm all components that are marked as One to One.
    Note: If a component relates to a single product in the software catalog, the relation is marked as One to One. Previously, all IBM components that had a single bundling option in the software catalog were automatically confirmed. Now, you can easily filter the report to review these components, and confirm them. It ensures that you are fully in charge of the software classification process.
    1. Hover over Configure, and click Configure View. Then, specify the following filters:
      • IBM-provided Bundling Option, equal to, Yes
      • One to One, equal to, Yes
      • Confirmed, equal to, No
    2. Press CTRL + A, or CMD + A on Mac, to select all the filtered components.
    3. Hover over Confirm, and click Confirm.
  4. Next, review all the remaining sub-capacity instances. Confirm the assignments of components to products, or reassign them if needed.
    Tip: 9.2.10 Starting from application update 9.2.10, you can display the Imported Part Number column on the Software Classification panel and thus check if the correct product was suggested for a given component.
    1. Hover over Configure, and click Configure View. Then, specify the following filter: Always Not Charged,equal to,No.
    2. Confirm the assignments of components to products, or reassign them if needed.
      • Reassign component to another product from catalog.
        1. Select a component or components that you want to assign to products. Filter, and sort the report to narrow the number of displayed elements. You can select multiple components at once.
        2. Hover over Assign, and click Choose from Catalog.
        3. Select the List products for which the component is listed as a budling option check box to view all bundling options. Select a product to which you want to assign the component and choose the metric suitable to your pricing calculations model.
        4. The Automatically confirm the affected components check box is selected by default. Keep the selection to avoid manual confirmation.
        5. To change the assignment, click Assign.
      • If the assignments are correct and reflect your license agreement, confirm these assignments.
        1. Select a component or components that you want to confirm.
        2. Hover over Confirm, and click Confirm.
  5. Finally, review all the remaining instances classified as Always Not Charged.
    1. Hover over Configure, and click Configure View. Then, specify the following filter: Always Not Charged,equal to,Yes.
    2. Confirm the assignments, or reassign them if needed.
  6. When the software classification is complete and all the instances are confirmed, you are then ready to generate the audit snapshot.

For more information, see: Software classification.