Preparing the part numbers file

The part numbers file can be used to increase the accuracy of automated bundling by narrowing the number of possible products to which a discovered component can be assigned. You can download the file from Passport Advantage® or create it manually.

About this task

If you added custom part numbers to the software catalog, make sure that they are included in the part numbers file. Otherwise, the custom part numbers are not matched against the uploaded part numbers and are not used during automated bundling. For more information about types of part numbers that are taken into account by License Metric Tool, see: Part numbers.

Downloading part numbers from Passport Advantage

If you have access to Passport Advantage, perform the following steps.


  1. Download the part numbers file from Passport Advantage.
    Important: If you are not able to download part numbers, you might not have the required permissions on Passport Advantage.
    1. Log in to Passport Advantage.
    2. From the menu on the top, select Reporting > Order history.
    3. If applicable, select the relevant site or sites.
    4. In the Type of order section, select All.
    5. Specify the Sales order date and Sort by. Then, click Submit detail report. Your report is ready.
    6. To save the file, click Download report and then select Comma delimited. Ensure that the file is in the CSV or ZIP format.
  2. Optional: If you have custom part numbers that are not available on Passport Advantage, add them to the downloaded file. Ensure that the edited file meets the following requirements.
    • The file contains two mandatory columns: Part number and Order type. You can add other columns. However, they are ignored during the import.
    • Part numbers that should be imported to License Metric Tool have the value Licenses in the Order type column. Rows with other values are skipped.
    • The file uses a comma as a field separator and quotation marks (" ") as a text delimiter.
    "Part number", "Order type"
    "D07UMLL", "Licenses"
    "D08UMLL", "Licenses"
    "Custom part number", "Licenses"

What to do next

After you prepare the file, import part numbers to License Metric Tool.

Creating the part numbers file manually

If you do not have access to Passport Advantage, manually create the part numbers file. Ensure that you provide valid part numbers that consist of seven characters. Upload of part numbers that are shorter or longer fails.

About this task

License Metric Tool supports only CR LF and LF end of line characters. Do not use CR end of line characters that are specific for Mac systems.


  • If you do not have custom part numbers, create a CSV file that contains a single column without a header.
  • If you have custom part numbers, create a CSV file that meets the following requirements.
    • The file contains two mandatory columns: Part number and Order type. You can add other columns. However, they are ignored during the import.
    • Part numbers that should be imported to License Metric Tool have the value Licenses in the Order type column. Rows with other values are skipped.
    • The file uses a comma as a field separator and quotation marks (" ") as a text delimiter.
    "Part number", "Order type"
    "D07UMLL", "Licenses"
    "D08UMLL", "Licenses"
    "Custom part number", "Licenses"

What to do next

After you prepare the file, import part numbers to License Metric Tool.