Understanding CSV files with metric utilization

Due to differences in the structure of the reports that are displayed in the License Metric Tool user interface and CSV reports, information about metric utilization is presented differently in each type of report.

Multilevel structure of the user interface versus flat structure of the CSV reports

Reports with utilization of subcapacity licenses are multilevel.
  1. The first level of the report shows a list of all products. When you click a link in the Metric Quantity column, you go to the second level of the report.
    Figure 1. First level of the report - products
    First level of the All Metrics report
  2. The second level of the report shows information about the physical servers on which the product is installed. When you click a link in the Server Name column, you go to the third level of the report.
    Figure 2. Second level of the report - physical servers
    Second level of the All Metrics report
  3. The third level of the report shows a list of virtual machines that run on the particular server and on which the product is installed.
    Figure 3. Third level of the report - virtual machines on the first physical server
    Third level of the All Metrics report - first example

CSV reports are not multilevel, they have a flat structure. However, they need to present similar information as the report in the user interface. For that reason, some of the information is repeated multiple times. Each row in the CSV report represents a software instance with information about the VM on which that software was discovered, physical server on which that VM resides, and other details. However, it does not contain all information that License Metric Tool used to calculate the license metric utilization. In particular, it does not contain information about all virtualization layers that were used to cap the number of cores that are available to the particular software. For that reason, the CSV report should not be used to calculate the final metric utilization and compare it with the information that is shown in the user interface.

CSV reports contain only software instances discovered during the license peak value time

CSV reports list only software instances that were discovered during the time when the license peak value occurred. If an instance was installed in your environment during the reporting period but was not discovered during the license peak value time, the instance is not listed in the CSV reports.

For example, three instances of Db2 are installed. The reporting period is set to one month and Db2 license utilization is as follows.
  • Instance 1 uses the maximum of 100 PVUs.
  • Instance 2 uses the maximum of 300 PVUs.
  • Instance 3 uses the maximum of 500 PVUs.
Figure 4. Db2 instances reported during the license peak
License peak value time

The license peak value occurs when the sum of PVU values for all instances is the highest and equals 800 PVUs (300 PVUs for instance 2 + 500 PVUs for instance 3). The peak occurs during the period that is marked with a red square. It is the license peak value time. The peak usage for instance 1 is outside of the peak value time. It means that this instance was installed in the environment during the current reporting period but was not discovered during the license peak value time. This instance is not listed in the CSV report.