Server installation and upgrade logs

Installation and upgrade log files are in the same directories, because those processes are completed by using the same installer. If you encounter any problems while installing or upgrading the server, refer to those log files for more information about any occurring errors.

Log files

There are several log files that are created either during the installation or upgrade, or only when the process failed or completed successfully. Each path starts with a variable that is specific to the operating system. Those variables are explained below the table.
Table 1. Installation and upgrade log files
Installation Status Windows Linux

In progress

  • %USERPROFILE%\LMT9.2.37.0
  • %USERPROFILE%\ia.log
  • BESclient_installation_directory\LMT\ILMT_upgrade.log
  • $HOME/LMT9.2.37.0
  • $HOME/ia.log
  • BESClient_installation_directory\LMT\ILMT_upgrade.log


%USERPROFILE%\ $HOME/LMT9.2.37.0_timestamp_uniqueID_logs.tar.gz


installation_directory\ installation_directory/LMT9.2.37.0_timestamp_uniqueID_logs.tar.gz
Home directory of the user who installed the server, for example C:\Users\Administrator\.
Important: When you upgrade by using a fixlet, the upgrade runs under the NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM user whose default home directory is C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\.
Home directory of the user who installed the BigFix® client, for example /root/.

Log file contents

To understand the root cause of installation and upgrade problems, review the logs for messages with a severity level of WARN or ERROR. The following paths show examples of log files.
  • Linux LMT9.2.37.0_timestamp_uniqueID_logs.tar.gz/
  • Windows\LMT9.2.37.0\message\msg_servers.log
The following example shows an error message.
<Message Id="CODIN0117E" Severity="ERROR">
 <Time Millis="1646355609399"> 2022-03-04 02:00:09.399+01:00</Time>
 <Server Format="IP"><server_IP></Server>
 <LogText><![CDATA[CODIN0117E IBM License Metric Tool is already installed.]]></LogText>
 <Source FileName="" Method="install"/>
 <TranslationInfo Type="JAVA" Catalog="userLocales.InstallMessageEWI" MsgKey="allAlreadyInst">
 <Param><![CDATA[IBM License Metric Tool]]></Param></TranslationInfo>
To learn more about errors and return codes that can appear in the logs, see: Server installation and uninstallation return codes.