Configuring allowed origins for Process Portal

Process Portal makes requests to Process Federation Server and federated servers. When these services are not on the system that originated Process Portal, cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) is used to enable the browser to trust the cross-origin requests.

Before you begin

Attention: The following information also applies to both Process Portal and custom client web applications.
  • If you intend to run BPEL processes and human tasks from Process Portal, the topology for your federated environment must include an HTTP server in front of the server that hosts the BPEL processes.
  • Ensure that single-sign on is configured for all federated servers in the federated environment, including the server that hosts Process Portal. For more information, see Configuring SSO for federated environments.

About this task

To enable the cross-origin requests within the federated environment, you must configure a list of allowed origins for Process Federation Server and the federated servers. The allowed origin value is the URL prefix that the clients use to access the Process Portal web application.

For example, if the server that hosts Process Portal is available at, configure this URL to be an allowed origin on Process Federation Server, and on each federated server. The allowed origin indicates to Process Federation Server and federated servers that REST requests that originate from are trusted and are to be allowed. If you use an HTTP server in front of Process Portal, use the HTTP server URL prefix as the allowed origin.
Exception: If you run BPEL process from Process Portal, do not configure allowed origins on Process Federation Server. Instead configure the allowed origins on the HTTP server.

For more information about the various topologies, see Adding a business process management system to a federated environment.


  1. For all federated systems. Configure Process Federation Server for allowed origins.
    1. Open the server.xml configuration file for editing.

      By default, the configuration file is in the pfs_install_root/usr/servers/server_name directory on Process Federation Server.

    2. For each ibmPfs_federatedSystem element in the server.xml file, configure the allowedOrigins property.
      • The following snippet shows an example of an allowedOrigins property that allows requests from an originating Process Portal server:
        Note: Most federated environments are likely to have only a single originating Process Portal server, because even in clustered Process Portal configurations, typically a single HTTP server URL is accessed by end users. If you have more than one originating Process Portal server, use commas to separate the servers in the allowedOrigins property, or use * (asterisk) to allow all originating servers.
      • The following snippet shows an example of an allowedOrigins property that allows requests from all originating servers. The value is set to * (asterisk).
      For more information about the allowedOrigins property, see Configuration properties for the Process Federation Server index.
  2. For BPEL federated systems only. Configure allowed origins on the HTTP server in front of the server that hosts the BPEL processes.
    1. Update the configuration file on the HTTP server, for example httpd.conf or apache.conf, or the .htaccess file with the following settings.
      Do not use the asterisk (*) wildcard character in any of the statements.
      Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin ""
      Header set Access-Control-Allow-Credentials "true"
      Header set Access-Control-Allow-Headers "DNT,X-CustomHeader,Keep-Alive,User-Agent,X-Requested-With,If-Modified-Since,Cache-Control,Content-Type,Authorization"
      Header set Access-Control-Allow-Methods "GET,POST,PUT,DELETE,OPTIONS"
    2. Allow the HTTP server to modify the request and response headers by enabling mod_headers in the configuration file.
    3. Restart the HTTP server for the changes to take effect.
  3. For BPD federated systems only. Configure each federated server for allowed origins.

    In the 100Custom.xml file on each federated server, add an allowed-origins configuration parameter in the <rest> element.

    • The following snippet shows an example of an allowed-origins parameter that allows requests from two originating Process Portal servers:
         <rest merge="mergeChildren">
      Note: Most federated environments are likely to have only a single originating Process Portal server because even in clustered Process Portal configurations, typically a single HTTP server URL is accessed by end users. If you have more than one originating Process Portal server, use commas to separate the servers in the allowedOrigins property, or use * (asterisk) to allow all originating servers.
    • The following snippet shows an example of an allowed-origins parameter that allows requests from all originating servers. The value is set to * (asterisk).
  4. For your updates to take effect, restart WebSphere® Application Server.