Problems testing a connection to a data source in a network deployment

In a network deployment environment, testing a connection to the cell-level jdbc/WPSDB data source can fail, with the error message UndefinedVariableException: Undefined Variable variable_name, where variable_name is a variable name such as WAS_INSTALL_ROOT, DB2_JCC_DRIVER_PATH, ORACLE_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH, UNIVERSAL_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH or PUREQUERY_PATH. However, this does not necessarily indicate that you will have run time errors.

The test connection service provided by WebSphere® Application Server often works only if the variables that contain path infomation (such as WAS_INSTALL_ROOT and ORACLE_DRIVER_INSTALL_PATH) are set on cell scope, which is not the case in IBM® Business Automation Workflow network deployments. See Test connection service in the WebSphere Application Server information center.

If you attempt to test the data source connection, for example in the Health Center, or in the administrative console using Resources > JDBC > Data sources, and you get a message saying that the test connection operation failed with the exception Undefined Variable variable_name, it does not necessarily indicate that there will be a problem accessing the data source at run time. Ensure that the location of your JDBC driver files is accessible to every client that must use the data source, and configure the variable with the full path of that location. Disregard the test connection error unless you are also experiencing trouble connecting to the data store at run time.

Generally, if the exception UndefinedVariableException: Undefined Variable variable_name is logged in the deployment manager log files when the Health Center is opened in the WebSphere administrative console, you can ignore the exception unless the Health Center indicates that there is a problem.