Dashboards cannot be launched in some single sign-on environments

In some single sign-on environments that use a reverse proxy or a gateway server, the Business Automation Workflow dashboard does not render when you launch it. Instead, you see a blank screen. To resolve the problem, use the JVM custom property com.ibm.bpm.dashboard.whitelist to enable the custom dashboard whitelist.

About this task

To successfully enable the custom dashboard whitelist, you must set the com.ibm.bpm.dashboard.whitelist property on each application cluster member in a clustered environment, or on the stand-alone server in an IBM® BPM Express environment. You can use either the WebSphere administrative console or the wsadmin scripting client, as described in the following procedure:


  • To use the WebSphere administrative console to set the com.ibm.bpm.dashboard.whitelist property for your environment, complete the following steps:
    1. Log into the administrative console.
    2. In the tree view, expand Servers > Server Types and select WebSphere application servers. The Application servers page opens.
    3. Click your server name to open the Configuration page, then expand Java and Process management and select Process definition to open the Process definition page.
    4. Select Java Virtual Machine to open the Java Virtual Machine page and then select Custom properties to open the Custom properties page.
    5. Click New to open the New page where you will add the JVM custom property.
    6. In the Name field, type com.ibm.bpm.dashboard.whitelist.
    7. In the Value field, specify a comma-separated list of acceptable host names or domains.
    8. In the Description field, type Whitelist of SSO access gateway servers or referrers.
    9. Click OK and then click the Save link to save the changes in the administrative console.
    10. In a clustered environment, repeat the previous steps for each application cluster member.
    11. Restart the stand-alone server or the application cluster members to activate the new property.
  • To use the wsadmin scripting client to set the com.ibm.bpm.dashboard.whitelist property for your environment, run the following commands (where cluster_name is the cluster name in your environment):
    for server in AdminUtilities.convertToList(AdminConfig.showAttribute(AdminConfig.getid("/Cell:/ServerCluster:cluster_name/"), "members")):
        serverName = AdminConfig.showAttribute(server, "memberName")
        nodeName = AdminConfig.showAttribute(server, "nodeName")
        AdminTask.setJVMSystemProperties( [ '-serverName', serverName, '-nodeName', nodeName, '-propertyName', 'com.ibm.bpm.dashboard.whitelist', '-propertyValue', 'hostname.com' ] ')
        property = AdminConfig.getid("/Cell:/Node:%s/Server:%s/JavaProcessDef:/JavaVirtualMachine:/Property:com.ibm.bpm.dashboard.whitelist/" % (nodeName, serverName))
        AdminConfig.modify(property, [['description', 'Whitelist of SSO access gateway servers or referrers']])