BPMRegenTheme command

This command regenerates the runtime theme CSS for a process application or toolkit snapshot on the Workflow Center or Workflow Server server.

After you have applied certain interim fixes (iFixes) or cumulative fixes (fixpacks), optionally use the BPMRegenTheme command to regenerate the runtime CSS for a process application or toolkit snapshot. These fixes contain changes that update the theme that these snapshots use. Running the BPMRegenTheme command updates the snapshots to use updated CSS without requiring you to redeploy the snapshots. An interim fix identifies whether you should run this command.

Use the BPMRegenTheme command in connected mode to Workflow Center or Workflow Server.

The BPMRegenTheme command is run using the AdminTask object of the wsadmin scripting client.


Important: In an environment with multiple security domains configured, use the PALService MBean instead of this wsadmin command. See The Process Application LifeCycle (PAL) MBean.
The following conditions must be met:
  • In a network deployment environment, you must run this command on the node containing the application cluster member that handles Workflow Center applications. Do not run this command from the deployment manager profile.

  • Run the command in the connected mode; that is, do not use the wsadmin -conntype none option.
  • To access the wsadmin command, the ID being used must have a WebSphere® Application Server role with more privileges than the monitor role. See Administrative roles for information about roles.
  • To access the Business Automation Workflow API used by this command, the ID being used must belong to the bpmAdminGroup. The default name for the bpmAdminGroup is tw_admins. See IBM Business Automation Workflow default group types for information about groups.
    Tip: By default, only the DeAdmin user has both the WebSphere Application Server administrator role and membership in the bpmAdminGroup.
Attention: If you are using a SOAP connection, the command can take longer to complete than the specified SOAP timeout value. Although the command continues to run until it is finished, you might see the exception java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out. To prevent this exception, set a higher value for the com.ibm.SOAP.requestTimeout property in the profile_root/properties/soap.client.props file.


Start the wsadmin scripting client from the profile_root/bin directory.

You can check the status of the command in the server SystemOut.log file if you do not specify a different file using the outputFile parameter.


-targetContainerAcronym process_application_or_toolkit_acronym
[-targetContainerSnapshotAcronym snapshot_acronym]
[-outputFile absolute_path_to_log_file]


--targetContainerAcronym String
A required parameter that uses an acronym to identify the acronym of the process application or toolkit that will have its CSS regenerated. The * wildcard is supported. The theme is regenerated for the specified snapshot in the server using the currently applied theme.
--targetContainerSnapshotAcronym String
An option parameter that uses an acronym to identify the snapshot that will have its CSS regenerated based on the currently applied theme definition. If not provided, the theme is regenerated for all named snapshots in the target process application or toolkit.
-outputFile String
An optional parameter that contains the absolute path to the log file for logging the results of the theme regeneration. If not provided, results are logged to the system out log file.
Tip: If you do not know the acronym for a required parameter, use the BPMShowProcessApplication command to list the details of a process application, including acronyms.


The following example illustrates how to establish a SOAP connection to the Workflow Center server and regenerate the CSS for the BILLDISP v2 snapshot.

Important: In a network deployment environment, use the port configured for the application cluster member that runs the Workflow Center applications. To determine the correct port number, see the WebSphere administrative console Ports collection page (click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_name > Communications > Ports and find the value for SOAP_CONNECTOR_ADDRESS).
wsadmin -conntype SOAP -port 8880 -host ProcessServer01.mycompany.com -user admin -password admin -lang jython

AdminTask.BPMRegenTheme(['-targetContainerAcronym', 'BILLDISP', 
     '-targetContainerSnapshotAcronym', 'v2', '-outputFile', 'c:/regenThemeLog.txt'])