Viewing privacy information on a user device

MaaS360® provides Personal Identifiable Information (PII) also known as Personal Information (PI) data or privacy information on a user device. Privacy information is data that is collected by MaaS360 for an active user device. The Privacy menu in the MaaS360 App Setting section on an active user device displays the privacy information. Using this service, you can also request an email that contains a detailed report on PII data from any active user device. This feature is supported on Android 6.0+ and OS 3.4+ versions.

About this task

Follow these steps to view PII data on a user device and to request detailed PII data reports for your device. The PII data report is sent to your registered email address.


  1. From the MaaS360 App Catalog on the user device, click Settings > Privacy.
    A list of PII data that is collected and stored by MaaS360 for the user device is displayed:
    • User data that is collected and stored.
    • Device data that is collected and stored.
    • Data that is collected by third-party systems.
    • Data that is not collected and stored. You can manage this setting by restricting PII data that is collected from devices. For more information about privacy settings, see Managing privacy settings for devices in the MaaS360 Portal.
    Viewing an example of privacy information on user device
  2. Click Get Detailed Report to receive an email message that contains a detailed report about the PII data on the user device.
    The report contains PII data information only for device that requested the report, not for all the devices that belong to the user.
    The email message provides a report called device name.csv that contains the following information:
    • User data that is collected and stored with non-null attribute values.
    • Device data that is collected and stored with non-null attributes.
    • Data that is collected by third-party systems.
    • Data that is not collected and stored.