Creating deployment manager profiles

You must have a deployment manager profile to manage all federated servers in a cell. If you are setting up a network deployment environment, create this profile first.

Before you begin

Before completing this task, you must complete the following tasks:
  • Verified that all hardware and software prerequisites have been met
  • Installed IBM® Business Monitor
  • Logged in to the system as a user with appropriate permissions (read, write, and execute) so a profile can be created


Complete the following steps to create a deployment manager profile by using the Profile Management Tool:

  1. Open the Profile Management Tool by using one of the following methods:
    • From the IBM Business Monitor First Steps console, click Profile Management Tool.
    • for Windows Click Start > All Programs > IBM > Business Monitor version > Profile Management Tool.
    • for Windows Run pmt.bat, which is in the following directory: app_server_root\bin\ProfileManagement.
      Important: To run the Profile Management Tool on Windows, you must elevate your Microsoft Windows user account privileges. Whether you are an administrative user or a non-administrative user, right-click the pmt.bat file and select Run as administrator. Alternatively, use the runas command at the command line. For example:
      runas /user:ADMINNAME /env pmt.bat
      Non-administrative users are prompted for the administrator password.
    • for Linux for UNIX Change to the app_server_root/bin/ProfileManagement directory and type ./ in a terminal window.
  2. From the Welcome perspective, click Profile Management Tool, and then click Launch Selected Tool.
  3. On the Profiles panel, click Create to create a new profile.
  4. On the Environment Selection panel, expand IBM Business Monitor, click Monitor server deployment manager, and click Next.
  5. On the Profile Creation Options panel, select the type of installation you want to perform and click Next.
    • Typical profile creation (default): Creates a deployment manager profile that uses default configuration settings. The Profile Management Tool assigns unique names to the profile, node, host, and cell. The tool also installs the administrative console and assigns unique port values. You can choose to enable administrative security during the configuration. Depending on the operating system and your user permissions, the tool might create a system service to run the deployment manager. You can specify your own values for the IBM Business Monitor database configuration.
    • Advanced profile creation: Creates a deployment manager using default configuration settings. You can specify the values for host and cell, assign your own port values, and choose whether to deploy the administrative console. Depending on the operating system and your user permissions, you might have the option to run the deployment manager as a system service. You can assign your own values for the IBM Business Monitor database configuration.
  6. If you selected Typical profile creation, skip to step 11.
  7. Advanced: On the Optional Application Deployment panel, select Deploy the administrative console, and click Next.
  8. Advanced: On the Profile Name and Location panel, accept the default name and location, or specify a profile name and directory path to contain the files for the runtime environment, such as commands, configuration files, and log files. The default profile name is Dmgr01. On Windows, a typical profile directory is C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\Dmgr01.
  9. Advanced: If you want to use the profile you are creating as the default profile, select Make this profile the default. Click Next.
  10. Advanced: On the Node, Host, and Cell Names panel, enter new values or accept the default values, and click Next.
    • The node name is used for administration. If the node is federated, the node name must be unique within the cell.
    • The host name is the domain name system (DNS) name (short or long) or the IP address of this computer.
    • The cell name is a logical name for the group of nodes administered by this deployment manager.
  11. On the Administrative Security panel, select one of the following options and click Next.
    • To enable security, select the Enable administrative security check box and enter the user name and password information.
    • To disable security, clear the Enable administrative security check box.
    For information about whether to enable security, see Administrative security in the WebSphere® Application Server information center.

    If you selected Typical profile creation, skip to step 16.

  12. Advanced: On the Security Certificate (Part 1) panel, choose whether to create a default personal certificate and root signing certificate, or import them from keystores. To create new certificates, click Next to proceed to the verification page. To import existing certificates from keystores, browse to the certificates, specify the password and the keystore type, and then click Next to proceed to the verification page.
  13. Advanced: On the Security Certificate (Part 2) panel, modify the certificate information to create new certificates during profile creation. If you are importing existing certificates from keystores, use the information to verify that the selected certificates contain the appropriate information. If the selected certificates do not, click Back to import different certificates. You should change the default keystore password to protect the security of the keystore files and SSL certificates. For more information about securing communications between a server and a client, see Securing communications in the WebSphere Application Server information center.
  14. Advanced: On the Port Values Assignment panel, review the ports that will be assigned during profile creation. You might want to keep track of these port values. Accept the given values or specify different port numbers and click Next.
  15. for Windows Advanced: On the Windows Service Definition panel, choose to run the Business Monitor process as a Windows service, or disable the option, and then click Next.

    The Run the IBM Business Monitor process as a Windows service check box is enabled by default, and is configured to use local system account information to log on. To change the Windows service log on information, select the Log on as specified user account option and enter the user name and password for the alternative account.

    The Windows service Startup type is set to Automatic by default. You can optionally change the Startup type to Manual or Disabled by using the list.

    Because services are global settings on Windows operating systems, any profile could start the service and as a result, you could lose track of which profile issued, for example, a "startServer" command. To avoid potential service request conflicts between different profiles, disable the Run the Application Server process as a Windows service option.

  16. On the Database Configuration panel, verify your MONITOR database configuration information:
    1. Select your database product from the list.
    2. In the Database name field, enter the database name or accept the default name.
    3. In the Schema name field, enter the schema name or accept the default (MONITOR). If you are using DB2® on z/OS®, the IBM Business Monitor database schema name must be different from the Process Server common database schema name to prevent collisions between database objects.
    4. Select Delay execution of database scripts (must select if using a remote database) if you do not want to create and configure local databases automatically or create tables in existing databases during profile creation. Local databases are created if this check box is not selected. For DB2 for z/OS, this check box is always selected. If you select this option, you or the database administrator must manually run the scripts, which are created during profile creation, at a later time. By default, these scripts are created in monitor_root/profiles/Dmgr01/dbscripts.
      Note: If the database server contains multiple versions of DB2 installed, or multiple DB2 instances, the server's default DB2 version or instance is used for profile creation. To control which DB2 version or instance is used, use the "Installing databases manually" procedure so that the database administrator can ensure that the proper version or instance is used.
    5. Click Next.
  17. Complete the following steps for the MONITOR database on the Database Configuration (Part 2) panel. The options will vary depending on what database product you selected on the previous panel:
    1. In the User name field, type a user name for authenticating to the database. This value represents an existing user ID with read and write permissions to MONITOR tables.
      Note: If you are using an Oracle database, this field is not editable.
    2. In the Password field, type a password for the specified database user ID.
    3. Reenter the password in the Confirm password field.
    4. Specify a path for the JDBC driver classpath files. The JDBC drivers for DB2, Oracle, and SQL Server are in monitor_root/jdbcdrivers. The default JDBC driver classpath is set to use the product-specific files within this directory based on the database type that you selected on the Database Configuration panel. Alternatively, click Browse to specify a different path to the JDBC driver classpath files.
      • DB2 database: The following directory is created by default: monitor_root/jdbcdrivers/DB2.
      • Oracle database: The following directory is created by default: monitor_root/jdbcdrivers/Oracle.

        The ojdbc6.jar JDBC driver file is the Oracle-supported JDBC driver for use with WebSphere Application Server. The ojdbc6.jar file can be used for both Oracle 10g and Oracle 11g. For information about minimum required settings for Oracle, see the related link.

      • SQL Server database: The following directory is created by default: monitor_root/jdbcdrivers/SQLServer.

        The sqljdbc4.jar JDBC driver file is the Microsoft SQL Server 2.0 JDBC driver. For information about minimum required settings for SQL Server, see the related link.

    5. Select one of the following options for the JDBC driver type:
      • For Oracle databases:
        • OCI: The OCI driver requires a local Oracle client installation.
        • Thin: The Thin driver uses Java™ to communicate with the database and does not require a client on the local system.
      • For DB2 databases, profiles of IBM Business Monitor on operating systems other than z/OS are created with type 4 drivers. You can change the type after profile creation by editing the data source properties in the administrative console. A type 2 driver is a native-API driver and requires the installation of database software or a database client on the local system. A type 4 driver is a pure-Java implementation and typically provides the best performance. For the MONITOR database, no database software or clients are required on the local system.
    6. In the Database server host name or IP address field, type the host name of the database server. The default value is localhost or the fully qualified local host name if defined, and you should use this value for a single-server installation. If your database is on a remote server, you must type the fully qualified host name or IP address.
      Note: Except for a single-server installation, do not use the value localhost since the cluster members depend on the actual host name or IP address.
    7. In the Database TCP/IP service port or listener port field, type a port number that represents the port where the TCP/IP service is assigned, or the port on which the database is listening.
    8. If you are using DB2 for z/OS, type the location of the DB2 for z/OS database in the Subsystem name field. No spaces are allowed in the name.
    9. If you are using Oracle or SQL Server and you chose to create the database automatically, enter the following information:
      • In the Database administrator user name field, type the name of the database administrator for Oracle or SQL Server. This user must have access to create and drop databases and users.
      • In the Password field, type a password for the system administrator that is specified in the previous field.
      • In the Confirm password field, reenter the password.
    10. Click Next. If the MONITOR database has not yet been created, you will see a Database validation failure warning message. Click Yes to continue. You can create the database at a later time.
  18. On the Cognos Content Store Database panel, if you do not already have an existing IBM Cognos® Business Intelligence installation that you plan to use, enter the information to create the IBM Cognos BI content store database for multidimensional data analysis from your dashboards.
    1. Click Create a new Cognos content store database.
    2. Provide the name of a database to be used for the IBM Cognos BI content store. The default name is COGNOSCS. On Oracle, the database name is the Oracle service name. On Microsoft SQL Server, the database name must be different from the MONITOR database name.
    3. Provide a user name and password for the database, and confirm the password. If you use the same user name for the content store as for the MONITOR database, you must use the same password. Because this user requires full access rights, it is a good idea to create a new database user for the content store database only.
      Note: The user name and password for the IBM Cognos BI content store database are kept in the Cognos_JDBC_Alias, which allows all database credentials to be maintained in one place. Whenever you start the IBM Business Monitor IBM Cognos BI server, the current values are passed to the IBM Cognos BI configuration to allow IBM Cognos BI access to the content store. Because of this integration, you cannot change the content store user name and password using the IBM Cognos BI Configuration application.
  19. On the Profile Creation Summary panel, review the information. If you need to make any modifications, click Back and make changes as necessary.
  20. Click Create to create the profile.
  21. On the Profile Creation Complete panel, review the information about the completed profile creation.
  22. Optional: Access First Steps.
    • for Windows Select the Launch the IBM Business Monitor first steps check box.
    • for Linuxfor UNIX Go to profile_root/firststeps.wbm and run the command.
  23. Click Finish to exit the Profile Management Tool.


If you chose to automatically run the generated scripts to create the databases as part of profile creation, the MONITOR database, and optionally the COGNOSCS database, are created. Note that the Business Space tables, which are used for dashboards, are not created at this time. This is because the Business Space database scripts are generated only when you create the deployment environment, and they must be run manually to configure the Business Space database tables.

What to do next

  1. If you chose to delay the execution of the scripts, you or your database administrator must manually run the database scripts that are created during profile creation. By default, these scripts are created in monitor_root/profiles/Dmgr01/dbscripts. You can use these scripts to create the MONITOR database, and optionally the COGNOSCS database. For more information, see Installing the MONITOR database manually (remote database) and Installing the COGNOSCS database manually (remote database).
  2. After you create the databases, start the deployment manager:
    • For Windows operating systemClick Start > All Programs > IBM > Business Monitor 8.5.5 > Profiles > dmgr_profile_name > Start the deployment manager.
    • Use the startManager command.
  3. Create or augment custom profiles, and federate the nodes into the deployment manager cell. For more information, see Creating custom profiles for nodes, Augmenting existing custom profiles for nodes, and Creating and augmenting profiles for IBM Business Monitor using the manageprofiles command.
  4. Optional:

    During profile creation, you set port values for all required ports. If you decide to change the ports after installation, you must reconfigure all port values for IBM Business Monitor to work properly.

    If you plan to use the server to develop, test, and debug monitor models, you can use the IBM Business Monitor debugger application by installing the and files from Application_Server_Root/installableApps.wbm/debugger.
    Note: The debugger is already installed if the WAS_HOME/logs/manageprofiles/PROFILE_NAME_create.log file or the WAS_HOME/logs/manageprofiles/PROFILE_NAME_augment.log file contains the isDeveloperServer parameter.