Monthly reports

Sent reports provide usage data on decisions, artifacts, and billable artifacts for individual tenants of Operational Decision Manager on Cloud.

The reports show the traffic of rule applications for the previous month. Typically, the reports go to the cloud administrators on record, but they can be directed to different recipients.

Important: Operational Decision Manager on Cloud tenants come with usage reports (see Usage reports). Clients continue to receive emailed statements, but this service might be discontinued because the same information can be found in the usage reports.

The following image is an example of a usage report. The example is for the full version of Operational Decision Manager on Cloud, and shows usage data for the artifacts, decision runner, and the development (dev), production (prod), and test (test) environments. The dates are formatted day/month/year, and the totals shown for the artifacts are the largest amounts for the month. The last column shows the sum total of decisions for each day in the month, and the total at the base of each column of decisions is the sum total of the month for the associated environment.

Image shows metrics in a report.