Archive Manager

The Archive Manager is the facility through which you archive and restore data.

The Archive Manager enables you to view the following.

  • archive definition files
  • summary data about the control information that was archived
  • the detailed contents of the data stored in the archive data file
  • When viewing raw-EDI or external data, you can switch from Text to Hex format by selecting the appropriate command from the View menu.
  • You can sort the Archive tree by filename or by date/time.

The Archive Manager also provides you with a search facility that enables you to quickly define search parameters that are used to find a specific piece of information. The system displays the matching results in the How to Archive Data. You can then select the desired information and the system highlights it in the Archive Manager tree view.

Archived Information

The Archive Manager retains extensive data for the information you archive and enables you to easily view it. The user interface uses a tree structure that displays the hierarchical levels of the archived data. This table lists the information available for each level of the archive entry for Sterling Gentran:Server® EDI, mailbox, and external data.

Note: N/A indicates that the item is a graphical placeholder used only to illustrate the type of data that was archived.
If you select the Then you can view
archive file at the Sterling Gentran:Server EDI, mailbox, or external data level summary information, including the following:
  • date and time the archive started
  • date and time the archive ended
  • number of items archived
  • number of items deleted (if any)
interchange summary information, including the following:
  • partner profile ID
  • direction
  • date and time
  • interchange control number
data audit
tracking information
group summary information, including the following:
  • group control number
  • functional group ID
  • group control key
document summary information, including the following:
  • transaction ID
  • transaction control number
  • document name
data audit
tracking information
mailbox N/A
Inbox/Outbox N/A
message summary information, including the following:
  • series ID
  • message ID
  • source ID
  • content type
  • sender ID/recipient ID
  • sender name/recipient name
  • sender mailbox e-mail/recipient mailbox e-mail
  • subject
  • status
  • time message created
data audits
attachment summary information, including the following:
  • attachment ID
  • content type
  • filename
data audits
file, which is viewed either in an external viewer (the default viewer is Notepad) or on screen in the Archive Manager.
Note: When viewing raw-EDI or external data, you can switch from text to hex format by selecting the appropriate command from the View menu.
external data any one of the following:
  • external data type
  • external data key
  • action
  • date and time of action
  • original filename
data audits
Upper-right pane any one of the following, depending on the level and type of the selection:
  • file information (start, end, number of items archived, and if any items were deleted)
  • interchange information
  • group information
  • document information
  • message information
  • attachment information
  • external data information
  • data audit information
  • tracking information
Lower-right pane the content of the selected attachment.

The Archive Manager Dialog Box

The following illustrates the Archive Manager, shown with the Archive tree expanded and a Mailbox message selected:

The following describes the parts of the Archive Manager.

Part Function
File menu Exit Archive Manager.
Archives menu Contains the following options:
  • Restore data.
  • Mark data for restoration (single item or all items).
  • Unmark data (single item or all items).
  • Refresh (archive-level).
  • View data audits at the interchange, document message, or external data level.
  • View data audits and data at the interchange, document, attachment, or external data level.
  • Delete archive files.
  • Search for specific archived data.
  • Select how you want the Archive data sorted.
Definitions menu Contains the following options:
  • Create new archive definition.
  • Edit or delete archive definition.
  • Archive data.
Help menu Access Archive Help and information about the Archive Manager.
Create new archive definition.
Archive data.
Mark selected item to be restored to the system.
Restore marked data to the system.
Left pane Archive, view, and restore data.
Upper right pane The display depends on the level and type of the selection, but may contain any one of the following:
  • file information (start, end, number of items archived, and if any items were deleted)
  • interchange information
  • group information
  • document information
  • message information
  • attachment information
  • external data information
  • data audit information
  • tracking information
Lower right pane Displays the content of the selected interchange, document, attachment, or external data file.