SAP Gateway Properties Dialog Box

The SAP Gateway Properties dialog box defines the properties of the SAP Gateway.

This diagram illustrates the SAP Gateway Properties dialog box.

This table describes the parts of the SAP Gateway Properties dialog box.

Part Function
Scan interval for passive operating systems minutes/seconds Specifies the interval at which the contents of the SAP folders are scanned on systems that do not send automatic notifications of changes (passive operating systems).

Intervals are defined in the minute(s) and second(s) boxes.

Launch Server Monitor Accesses the SAP Server Monitor dialog box, which enables you to start the SAP Server.
Set timer for resending any undelivered messages minutes / seconds Specifies the time interval at which you want the system to resend messages that were not delivered due to a connection loss. This interval can be expressed in:
  • minute(s)
  • second(s)
Audit Message on error Specifies an error message number for which you want the system to generate an audit message when messages need to be resent.
Default content type for collected files Defines the default content type for files collected.
Working Directory Defines the temporary working directory used with this gateway. The default directory is C:\GENSRVNT\Bin\Temp or click Browse to select another Working Directory location.
Browse Accesses the Choose Communication Queue dialog box, which allows you to select the appropriate working directory.